Thursday, January 7, 2016

What Are You Looking At?

...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.  Hebrews 12:2

Isn't it great when we have friends who are honest enough to call out for prayer.  I know I don't always do it when I should, but my thanks to this dear trooper who is humble enough to do so,   because she is the reason the following thoughts have come to me afresh.

As I prayed for my friend I asked the Lord to give me a verse or some words for her and immediately this verse came to my mind..... fix your eyes upon Jesus.  I also thought about Isaiah 40 which speaks about waiting or trusting in the Lord which will bring new strength to us.  Later in my reading I was led to Psalm 42 which tells the story of a very discouraged and oppressed believer bemoaning his plight and losing his focus.  "Watch this", as Dr Charles Stanley says.....

In Psalm 42 9 the psalmist cries out to God, "Why have you forgotten me? Why must I wander around in grief oppressed by my enemies who scoff at me saying 'where is this God of yours?' Why am I discouraged, why is my heart so sad?"  His eyes were totally on his plight THEN he made a choice.  Verse 11 - "I will put my hope in God!..."  He chose to take his focus off his problems and look at God.  Great choice!

Remember good old Peter calling to Jesus (who came to them in the night walking on the water).  He saw Him but wasn't sure it was Jesus so he said "If it's really you Lord tell me to come to you walking on the water (Matthew 14:28).  Jesus did just what he asked so Peter stepped out of the boat and started walking towards doubt looking at him as he did so.  Only trouble is he lost his focus and with that he lost his nerve because he looked at what he was actually doing, walking on water, and he started to sink.  Only as he reached out for Jesus hand was he kept from going under.

What are you looking at today?  What is your focus?  What is getting your attention?  Is it your problems, circumstances, pain, need.  If it is I challenge you to look to Jesus, make him your focus.  Get into his word with is alive with promise and hope.  Psalm 34:5 struck me many years ago during a time of trial.  In the KJV it says, "They who looked unto him were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed. " The NLT translates it "Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy."

Do you need to change what you are looking at today?

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, forgive me for taking my eyes off you and allowing my circumstances

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