Saturday, January 16, 2016


Though the vision is slow in coming to pass, wait for it....  Habakkuk 2:3 

In our retirement village there is a wonderful 90 year old who is tall and straight.  She walks quickly, always using her walking frame for safety. I saw her out and about the other day with coordinating orange coloured cardigan and shoes. Lovely!  I enjoy our little interactions because she is so bright.  She lost her twin sister in the last year and she has said to me on more than one occasion, "I don't know why I'm still here."  I have told her each time, "Nathalie, it's because you still have lots of joy to spread around!"  She is a blessing to be around.  I spent a little time in her home to ask her permission to write about her.  All we did was laugh.  She told me that health wise she has nothing wrong with her.  I told it's because of all the laughter 'medicine' she takes all the time. (Proverbs 17:22)

This reminds me of another old man called Simeon who was waiting to die at the time of Jesus' birth.   In his waiting he continued to be patient and faithful in his devotion to God.  He was waiting for "the consolation of Israel", the Messiah. It had been revealed to him by God that he would not die until he saw the Messiah.  One day, the Spirit of the Lord led Simeon to the temple as Jesus was being presented as the law required, and Simeon recognised his Messiah.  Taking him in his arms he prayed a beautiful prophetic prayer, "Lord now let your servant depart in peace as you promised for my eyes have seen the salvation you promised for all people....." Luke 2:29-32.  This is the only time we hear of this man as far as I know.  His purpose in life had been to make that prophetic announcement of the Messiah in the temple.  His work was done.

For us, "it ain't over till it's over".  God has appointed us for certain tasks and for some they may be later in life when we think we're 'done'.  If you are waiting on the fulfilment of what you have felt God wanted to do through you and it still hasn't happened, keep waiting, in hope, as Simeon did.  Abraham waited, Noah waited, the prophets waited, along with many others.

We realise as we meditate on our eternal God that time is nothing to Him.  He lives in eternity where there is no time and he is infinitely patient in bringing about His purposes because His timing is perfect....always.  Continue to hope in Him, and be faithful in your devotion to God as Simeon was, staying available each day for His purposes.

Prayer:  Eternal Father, faithful and true to your promises, help me to wait patiently and be ready for any task that you have planned for me.  I yield to your timing Lord.  Amen

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