Saturday, January 2, 2016

Old & New

......The old has gone, the new has come.  2 Corinthians 5:17

I was on the circuit at my Curves gym last week and these words were written on our notice board.  It was too good not to share.  Six things to leave behind as we walk into our new year.  Perhaps one or more of these might strike a chord with you.

The scripture that I have truncated above is actually speaking about our new life in Christ; that when we come to Christ we become a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.  It doesn't mean that all the unhelpful, unhealthy and unholy habits in our life are necessarily gone but they are covered under the atoning blood of Christ - hidden, as it were, from God's judgment.  We are, however, a work in process, and we will continue to be until we move to heaven.

I can look back and have regrets over things that I could have done better.  Does that help me to fix them?  No!  It just makes me feel guilty. I can look back and see disappointments but carrying them into the new year won't take away the disappointment, it may even add anger and bitterness to the mix.  Limiting beliefs?  I realised the other day that I had begun to feel that my spiritually productive life was practically over now that I am heading towards 70!  I had to repent and again commit myself to God's purposes for the future.  I may have a good few years ahead yet so I'd better stay in tune and at the ready for what this year may bring in His service.

Yes, it's time to put these negative things behind us as we walk into a brand new year.  The past has passed, your future is there to be grasped with both hands.  Every day is a new day with new mercies (Lamentations 3:23).  When I vacuum my house I throw the dust and dirt away, I don't keep it to examine it and perhaps respread it so I can clean it up again.  That sounds so ridiculous but that's what some of us do, year after year after year.  Come on friend, get rid of your rubbish at the foot of the cross and walk into 2016 with the joy of knowing that the past is in the past.  Leave it there! Ask Holy Spirit to help you leave it behind and help you to do better in the future, then stop your struggling and striving and get into abiding in the Vine (John 15) and watch new fruit appear.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father thank you for a brand new year, a reminder that your mercy is actually new EVERY morning, not just in the new year.  Help me Holy Spirit to leave the rubbish of failure from each day with you and walk into each new day with you this year knowing that I have a clean sheet.  Thank you so much.  Amen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dearest Jackie
Your words of wisdom always encourage me and the timing is always perfect, thank you for posting your pearls of wisdom and I love the prayers at the end
Thank You beautiful lady xoxoxo