Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Great Gift Exchange

Christmas is over!  One of the news items on Boxing Day (apart from the sales), is how many unwanted gifts are put up for exchange on various internet sites!  An incredible number of gifts given yet unwanted and now up for grabs for the bargain hunters, and people hardly blink an eye at this.  Many of the gifts are expensive electronics pieces.  I'm sure the customer service counters at shops have also been busy handling exchanges.

It makes me think about why these gifts are unwanted.  We have all been in the position, I'm sure, of not knowing what to give.  Some people in our family are incredibly good gift buyers but I am not one of them.  I love to give but I am not observant enough to know what people need and like. Charity gifts have become a very practical and easy way out of that bind, while blessing the needy.  

Many people put a lot of thought into gift buying and others just 'throw money at it'.  The latter is probably where a lot of the unwanted gift syndrome occurs.  Also it's very difficult to buy a gift for someone who has everything.

This great gift exchange got me thinking about a different kind of exchange that God offers to those who will receive the greatest gift of all.....the Lord Jesus Christ.  It was a very costly gift but did not involve money.  It was a life laid down to bring reconciliation between sinful man and a perfect God.  Followers of Jesus are offered these things:

He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted
and to proclaim that captives will be released
and prisoners will be freed. 
He has sent me to tell those who mourn
that the time of the LORD’s favor has come, 
and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.
To all who mourn in Israel, 
he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
festive praise instead of despair.....
                                                                        Isaiah 61:1-3

That looks like a great exchange to me....
if  you have a broken heart you can find comfort in Jesus
if you feel you are caught in some kind of prison he 
offers you freedom
if grief has overtaken you he brings hope for a great future
for the ashes of disappointment he will give you beauty and peace
he can turn your mourning into praise.

Receiving the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ is the best gift you could ever receive, and if you have already done that make sure you walk in all the benefits that go with that gift. Leave behind all that is negative and destructive in your life as we say goodbye to 2018. Enter fully into the abundant (full to overflowing) life that he has promised you. 

Prayer:  Father God, thank you for the good things I have learnt this year, help me to remember them but please help me to let go of the things that hold me back from fully receiving the blessing of the abundant life you offer.  As I enter 2019 may I more truly receive all that you offer me.  I ask in the name of Jesus Christ who died to give me life. Amen

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Chosen for A Great Event .....God's Way

Mary– a young girl, not noteworthy, except to God.....for her faith 
            and humility….
            Chosen to be the bearer of the Son of God.

Joseph–  neither learned nor a prince…a humble carpenter 
               Chosen to be the earthly father of the Son of God.

Elizabeth– a woman pregnant for the first time in old age.....
                   with the one who was to announce the Christ to 
                   the world...
                  Chosen to be the first to announce the unborn Child’s
                  destiny to His mother.

Bethlehem – a small, insignificant town in Judah…….  
                      Chosen to host the arrival of the Son of God.

A baby - helpless and dependant……
               Chosen to embody the God of the universe and 
               experience every facet of life as we do.

A stable -  not a palace, not even a simple room in an inn……
                  Chosen to be the birthplace of the Saviour of the 

A manger – the feeding trough for animals……
                     Chosen to be the bed for the One who would feed 
                     thousands with his words and his miracles.
Shepherds – simple men minding their flocks – not religious 
                      Chosen to be the first of mankind to see the 

Wise Men –from Gentile lands afar and of different faith– 
                    not priests  from the Holy Land.  
                     Chosen to bring prophetic gifts to this holy Child.

Prophets -  Simeon, an ordinary but devout and faithful man; 
                    Anna – an old praying widow.
                    Chosen to be the first to welcome the Saviour 
                    and Redeemer of the world to His holy temple.

Nazareth – an obscure town, we are told, out of which 
                    nothing great was expected.
                    Chosen as the hometown for Jesus Christ, 
                                            Son of God
                                                   King of Kings
                                                          Lord of Lords.

God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise.  And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful.  God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important; so that no one can ever boast in the presence of God.  
1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (NLT)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas Light

The city lights burn brightly
Bring a sparkle to the night
That, as I look around me
Cause pleasure and delight.

A starry night with moonlight
Is such beauty to behold
Creation speaks God’s glory
His wonders to unfold.

Yet one light so much brighter
Then these must now shine forth
As we prepare for Christmas
Thinking back to Jesus’ birth.

God sent His Son among us
Bringing light and life to man,
Breaking sin’s strong hold upon us
Was the Father’s loving plan.

Let Jesus be your light today
Shine deeply, search your heart.
May He find there a welcome place
Where darkness has no part.

May He help you be transparent 
A lamp to shine so bright,
Then Jesus will be glorified
As on that Christmas night.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16

Friday, December 7, 2018

Be Still and Find Hope

Be that is some challenge in our busy world, but it seems like a particularly impractical challenge in this season of the year that is often known as the 'silly season' because of the incredible frenzy of activity that people engage in leading up to Christmas.

I have been challenged about being still lately and I have to admit that when I take time to attempt to actually be still I am acutely away of the difficulty of doing it, even though my life is not frantic. When I am deliberately still I become aware of the lack of stillness in me, the jangling of the fibres of my being tell me that I need a whole lot more practice.  Why is it important?  You could take a few minutes to answer that question for yourself.  

Some call this 'being still' the practice of 'mindfulness' and it is being brought into schools to help children cope with life's challenges, of which there are many these days.  Mindfulness though, lacks a helpful focus. It is an attempt, I believe, to replace what Christian education used to give, and that is hope.

Our mental health statistics in this country are 'through the roof' and it is of great concern to our government.  So many people without hope of a future.  There is no hope when they listen to the news, and the scientists who tell us that time is running out for our world as we know it.  So where do we look?

My own challenge to be still has a focus, 'Be still and know that I am God.....' Psalm 46:10.  The mindfulness of meditating on God is powerful and brings great hope.  Children have been denied the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the One who can give them real hope and stability.  Most don't learn about God in their homes because their parents don't have a personal faith.  Now the schools deny entry to Christian instruction and we are seeing the results.  We just have to take a look at America, which calls itself a Christian country, to see what taking God out of schools does.  They did that many years ago and the results are tragic.  Kids have nothing to live for so they take the lives of others and kill themselves.....nothing to lose, or so they think.

To know the God who sent Jesus Christ to rescue us from hopelessness is to know the God of hope, the God of love, the God of peace, the God of all comfort, the God of mercy and the God of grace.  To deny that we need any or all of those things is foolishness.  Likewise, to deny that we need the God who created us in His image is also foolishness.  To do life your own way without God is sin.  Sin separates you from God, even if you are a most noble and good-living person.

God's word is full of hope which is sure and true.  My challenge to you today is "be still and know that He is God"; my prayer for you today is from Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer:  God of all hope, help me to be still and really know you.  Amen

Friday, November 30, 2018

Last Days?

We have all heard the saying "prophet of doom" regarding someone who speaks of events people don't want to know about, but have you also heard of the Doomsday Clock?  Yes, there is one. In 1947 (co-incidentally the year of my birth), it was established by an international group of of researchers called the Chicago Atomic Scientists. The clock was chosen to reflect the urgency of a problem: like a countdown, the clock suggests that destruction will naturally occur unless someone takes action to stop it.

It not only represents nuclear threat but other things such as climate change, bioterrorism and, interestingly, artificial intelligence.  In 1947 it was set at 7 minutes to midnight. During the intervening years it has been set forwards and backwards a number of times as scientists met to consider the current 'climate'.  In January this year it was set at 2 minutes to midnight which is a rather sobering thought.  

You may be wondering why I am writing about this, but I write as a warning; even scientists consider that we are living in the last days.  The Bible has quite a lot to say about the last days.  God's prophets have written for centuries about the last days.  I believe that these last days began when Jesus Christ was born in Jerusalem a bit over 2,000 years ago.  

I was stirred to write this as I read the Apostle Peter's two letters written to believers way back about AD68.  He wrote this "I am writing this......that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Saviour through your apostles, knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3:2-4

It is certainly a long time since these things were written and the church speaks very little (for the most part), about time, as we know it, running out.  Probably because to do so usually stirs up the scoffers and that is uncomfortable.  Peter addresses the time issue with these words, " not forget that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8.   

When the end finally comes for all of mankind, and it will, that will be God's time to judge.  It will be a great 'sorting time' between those who chose to believe God and follow His way and those who chose to refuse his gift of salvation and do life their own way.  Peter goes on to tell us why God allows this time lag.  "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."  God is gracious, loving and patient, but he is also just.  Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne (Psalm 97:2). You may want to consider that and what it means for you.

Peter goes on to say that "...the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up."  2 Peter 3:10  He goes on to say, in effect, that since this will come to pass we had better examine ourselves and be found to be following God's way.

Get your Bible out and read this chapter, there's more.  If you haven't got a Bible then pull one up online, it's easily accessible. Read for yourself and consider.  It's 2 minutes to midnight, and besides, we never know when our own last day will come!

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, please help me to understand what you require of me.  Amen

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving Therapy

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.  Psalm 136:1

Our friends in the USA are celebrating their Thanksgiving Day as I write.  Yesterday the President pardoned a turkey!  I'm sure that turkey would be thankful if he'd known what could have been in store for him!  Many are getting together with family from far and wide, a time to be thankful for sure but no doubt not without it's challenges .....people are people!

Thanksgiving is a part of my daily life because I have so many things to be thankful for.  This week I am particularly thankful for 2 friends, (one in Australia and one in the USA), who encouraged me not to forget to write this blog.  It's mid August since I last wrote.  At that time I was preparing to go on holiday in Australia for a month.  I'm so thankful for that wonderful time we had, but it threw me out of routine and I have neglected what I consider to be my God-given gift of communicating God's truth through writing. Actually God had been nudging me to get back writing but I wasn't listening so I am thankful that he nudged my friends to put it in writing so I couldn't ignore it any longer.

You may be going through a time in your life which is so bleak that you can't think of anything to be thankful for.  I get that; I sat with a friend yesterday who is so overwhelmed with fears and the cares of life that the last thing she would probably think of or even want to do is to make room for thanksgiving.  But it's vital to our well-being.  It is something the Bible encourages us to do, even, and especially, in the midst of trials. everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18  Why is it the will of God?  Because thanksgiving does us good!

I was tempted to feel hard-hearted when I encouraged her to look for things each day she could be thankful for, but I know that thankfulness takes our eyes off our circumstances and turns them to God's goodness.  Something changes in our hearts when we cultivate thankfulness.  How many suicides would be averted if the hopeless one would look up and search for one thing to thank God for.  It would open their heart to hope. It would give the God of all hope a window to to ..... fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13  The Holy Spirit is our helper, comforter, teacher.  He is there for us if we will invite him to help us to be thankful.

If you are reading this, you obviously have eyes to see, a working brain to think and God-given breath in your lungs.  There are three things to be thankful for.  If you have eyes to see you can look up at the night sky and be amazed at the wonder of the stars and with your brain you can consider how they all stay in place.  Yes, there is intelligent design - His name is God.  Paul writes about the people who refused to acknowledge God and give Him thanks ..... For although they knew God, they did not honour him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (Romans 1:21 CSV)

Is your heart feeling dark and hopeless today, give it some thanksgiving therapy.  There is nothing better.  Remember to continue the therapy until you get a result.  Don't give up and say 'this isn't working'.  If this is already a practise in your life, then share it with someone who needs to learn it.

Prayer: Dear God, help me to remember that it is you who gives me life.  Help me to be thankful for that gift and help me to find ways to demonstrate a thankful heart to those who need encouragement and hope.  in Jesus' name I pray. Amen

Sunday, August 12, 2018


                                                                                                                                                            Charlie Mackesy

A little over a month ago I wrote of the agonising wait to see whether the group of Thai footballers and their coach would be rescued successfully from what was an almost impossible situation. We now know that our prayers were answered and each one was saved and restored to joyful, thankful families.  

However the life of one diver was lost in this rescue attempt.  What an amazing gift he gave by putting himself in danger for these boys.  How thankful we are for such selfless giving. This man (and the many other rescuers), thought not of the danger to himself but of the agony of the waiting parents.  He wanted to bring those boys back to their families and be a part of their joy.  

 It reminds me of another who did the same for each one of us. In Hebrews 12:2 it says that "Jesus.... for the joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of God."  It didn't stop there, he now sits at God's right hand pleading the case of those who believe and trust in him. Romans 8:34.

Jesus told a story that many can relate to in one way or another.  It was about the son of a farmer who got fed up with farm life and asked for his inheritance money so that he could go off to the city for the 'good life'.  As the story goes this young man had a great time partying, living it up, sleeping with prostitutes.....until his money ran out.  He found himself a job.....looking after pigs. He was so hungry he wanted to eat their food until one day he came to his senses.  "What am I doing here?" he asked himself.  "Even the servants in my father's house live better than this.  I'll go back to my father and ask if I can just be a servant.  I'm not worthy to be his son."  

So he pulled his ragged self up and headed home in shame.  What he didn't know was that every day since he'd left home his father had watched for his return.  One day when he saw the familiar figure of his son but he was dishevelled and dirty.  The father did something very uncultural for that time.  He ran to his son and embraced him.  No recriminations, just a great big welcome.  He didn't punish him and put him in the servants' quarters, he put a ring on his hand, gave him clean clothes and threw him a party.  He was part of the family again.

Why do I tell this story?  Because maybe you need to come home to your Father.  Have you turned your back on God, gone your own way, pleased yourself.  God allows us free will, He will never force us to do things His way.  Proverbs 16:25 says that there is a way that seems right to a person but that way ends in death.  You can follow your own thoughts, ideas, philosophies but only God's way will lead to joy because it's only in God's presence that you can find fullness of joy and eternal life. Psalm 16:11.  Your Heavenly Father is waiting to welcome you home.

PRAYER: Father forgive me for going my own way and ignoring your wisdom.  I choose to turn to you and ask you to help me to walk in your ways which are good and lead to joy and life.  I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ who died in my place to forgive my sin. Amen

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Waiting in Hope

Many across the world, and certainly most of Thailand, currently wait in the hope of seeing a group of young boys and their coach being rescued from the cave where they are trapped. It is quite an unbelievable situation and one has to wonder as to how it happened, but wondering will not help in this instance.  An amazing group of experts has gathered from across the world in the hope of doing what looks to be the impossible.  

My prayers join with those of their parents and others worldwide that God will guide the rescuers and give courage to the boys so that they can be restored to their waiting families.  We just received a newsflash to say that the rescue has begun, so we hope and pray that there will soon be an empty cave and a successful rescue.  Our hopes are pinned on those brave rescuers.

Thinking of this reminds me of my visit to Waitomo Caves in NZ many years ago.  Amazing, yes, and glad I did it, yes, but I don't feel the need to go into another cave ever again!!  

I am reminded of an empty cave where hope was born some two thousand years ago.  A cave where Jesus Christ had been laid to rest a couple of days before.  His followers had pinned their hopes on him and all hope seemed lost when he was carried from that cross to his grave in the cave.  But all was not lost, it was part of a process which God had purposed before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20).  

On the first day of the week some women came to that cave wondering how they would move the great stone which had sealed it so that they could anoint his body, as was their custom.  To their great surprise the cave was empty and an angel told them that Jesus had risen from the dead.  During the next 40 days Jesus appeared to them in many ways and places in his resurrected body until he was taken up into heaven.  Jesus Christ, the only leader of any faith who has been raised from the dead.  He is our hope of eternal life ...... if we believe and follow him.  

To Ponder: "I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honour at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.  Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come."  Ephesians 1:19-21 NLT

Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Cure!

Recently new hope again sprung up when a possible cure for bowel cancer, or at least an early detection test, was announced.  In a world with so many disabling and fatal illnesses this was indeed good news for many. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are poured into trying to find cures for diseases each year. In the meantime people who can afford to, go after any possible treatment for their illness.

If we hear of something that might help a person we know who  is suffering from a disease we usually ready to offer them the slightest possibility of hope. If we knew of a certain cure and withheld the information it would be considered unusual at best and criminal at worst.

Here I am going to get dramatic, but please read on!  If you had a deadly disease and I knew of a positively certain remedy and did not tell you, would I be a true friend?  Certainly not!  Hang onto your hat for the next news please..... it MAY be that you indeed DO have a deadly disease - it's called sin.  This affects every human being born on this earth.  We are born in sin.  Yes sin will kill you ultimately, but there is a permanent cure and it's not about being a good person or going to  church; it's about your relationship with God through his son, Jesus Christ who died for your sin and mine.

 I find that people don't realise they have an eternally fatal disease.  Yes there is life after death.  We are eternal spirits clothed in an 'earth suit', our body.  We just move from one dimension to another.  In the next dimension there are 2 destinations - heaven and hell.  Sorry, but yes, there is such a place as hell.  The good news is that we get to CHOOSE our destination.  Here is the simple ABC of how to make the choice of ETERNAL LIFE which has to be made before you die.  There are no second chances.  Yes, God is merciful, but he is also just.  Sin demanded a penalty to be paid, Jesus paid the price, but we must choose to receive that gift or reject it.

Admit that you have sinned -
Believe that Jesus Christ paid for your sin
Confess that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead
"For it is by believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead, and by openly declaring your faith that you are saved."  Romans 10:10

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no-one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6
The Apostle Paul said: "There is salvation in no one else (but Jesus Christ)."  Acts 4:12

If you have read these words today you can never stand before God (which you will in the future) and say "ˆNo one told me what I needed to do to get into heaven" - you have heard it today.  I hope you will pray this prayer.  If you do, please email me with your declaration of faith so I can rejoice with you.  If you are already a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you may want to share this message with those you love and care about.  Feel free.

Heavenly Father,  I admit that I have sinned and come short of your standard, I believe that Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for my sin.  Please forgive me and come into my heart.  I believe that Jesus has been raised from the dead and that one day I can be with Him forever.  Amen

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Wedding Fever!

The last few days leading up to the wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle have certainly caused a stir.  Some of us even lost sleep so we could watch the celebration and I, for one, was not disappointed.  It was great to see the excitement in Windsor with thousands of people lining the streets to be part of the celebrations, and to catch a glimpse of the newlyweds.  Some had even been camped out in the area for days to get the best viewing place.  Now that's commitment!

A couple of thousand years ago there was a notable wedding in Cana of Galilee.  We don't even know the names of the bride and groom but we do know that Jesus and his disciples were there.  In those days, the wedding banquets went on for days, and at this particular one an embarrassing thing happened.  They ran out of wine!  The first miracle that Jesus ever did was to turn large jars of water into really good wine.  He literally 'saved the day'.

All this wedding fever reminded me of another wedding - one that I am counting on being there for.  It's one that is probably known little of outside of the church and I could probably safely say that it is rarely if ever talked about in many churches. But first let me set the scene.

 In old Israeli wedding  tradition the couple would be betrothed to each other then the bridegroom would go away and prepare a place which was an addition to his father's house for he and his wife.  When it was ready and the time was right he would go for his bride.  He would not let her know when he was coming but there would be just a short warning, one of his attendants would sound a trumpet as the bridegroom drew near.  The bride would have to be ready to be snatched away by the groom.  It was almost like a game.  Leading up to when she thought he might appear she had to always be watching and waiting with her bridal gown handy so she could quickly be ready when the trumpet sounded.  Then off they would go for a 7 day wedding banquet and consummation of the marriage.  Rather different from our weddings in the west!

However, there is coming a royal wedding to end all weddings.  The wedding of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with his bride.  Jesus Christ referred to the church as his bride, and the Bible speaks of Jesus as 'the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world'. (John 1:36). Before his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension into heaven he said to his followers. 'In my Father's house are many rooms.......I am going away to prepare a place for you. When everything is ready I will come and get you so you will always be with me.."  John 14:2-3.  I believe that many things in Bible prophecy are quickly lining up.  I believe that Jesus is coming very soon for His bride - the church, the world-wide body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.  We had best be ready!

The Bible tells us of a time of great tribulation in the world such as has never been seen before.  I believe we are close to that time.  Then in Revelation 19:6-9 (NLT) it says this,
Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a vast crowd
 or the roar of mighty ocean waves or the crash of loud thunder:
“Praise the LORD!
For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.
Let us be glad and rejoice,
and let us give honor to him.
For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb,
and his bride has prepared herself.
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear.”
For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God’s holy people.
And the angel said to me, “Write this: 
Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.
” And he added, “These are true words that come from God.” (Emphases are mine)

Does this raise questions for you?  I hope it does.  I hope you will enquire about what it means to be invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb and how to make yourself ready, so you too will say "Come Lord Jesus".

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, give me wisdom and discernment, understanding and faith to be prepared for your coming.  Amen

Sunday, April 29, 2018


A few years ago the word 'eternity' appeared on the Sydney Harbour Bridge to honour a man who had gone around Sydney for years with a piece of chalk (I think), writing the word eternity on the pavement.  He did this to get people to consider what eternity would mean for them.

This past week I attended a seminar in the village here which addressed the subject of getting your affairs in order for when you leave this earth.  Lots of good practical suggestions that help others to manage our affairs after we are gone.  The presenter mentioned a number of ways we speak about someone dying without saying as much.....just like I have done twice already in this paragraph.  The thrust of her message was about being prepared to die. 

Being prepared for anything takes time and thought and energy.  Tomorrow evening friends are coming for dinner; I have thought about what we would have, purchased the meat and planned the menu. I won't leave it till 4 pm tomorrow to think about throwing something together because I value them and want them to enjoy their time with us.  I also want to be able to enjoy the time we have with them.

There is another important aspect  to preparing for our death and few want to discuss it.  It all depends whether you want to take a chance that there is nothing 'on the other side', or if there really is something more that we need to consider.  Jesus told a story about a rich man who had a great harvest for which he needed to build new barns to hold it all.  Then the man decided he could sit back and enjoy life, but that very night he died.  Jesus called the man a fool because he had only been concerned with life of earth and had not given thought to life after death.

This life is short but eternity is forever and ever.  Eternity is where God lives and each of us will have to give account to God for how we have lived our lives.  Whether we have lived for ourselves and our own gain or, in such a way as to include God and honour his plans for our life.  There is no better day than TODAY to take time to speak to God about what comes next.  Not one of us are guaranteed a tomorrow in this life.  Are you prepared for eternity?

Just as it is appointed once for each person to die, and after death the judgement. Hebrews 9:27

PRAYER:  Dear God, help me to understand what you require of me.  Show me how to live well and be prepared when the time comes for my death.  Please forgive me of my sins and help me to live a life that pleases you and prepares me for eternal life.  Amen

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Our firstborn turned 50 recently so it was time to celebrate!  Family came from afar to join us which was an added bonus and it was a wonderful weekend together.  I think that was Cathy's favourite gift. She loves her family with a passion.

I have to admit that I enjoy celebrations for other  people but I don't really enjoy a celebration that makes me the centre of attention.  I suspect many of us are like that. On pondering this I was reminded of a little 'piece' by Henri Nouwen, one of my favourite devotional writers and I'd like to share it with you.

"Birthdays are so important. On our birthdays we celebrate being alive.  On our birthdays people can say to us, "Thank you for being!" Birthday presents are signs of our families' and friends' joy that we are part of their lives.  Little children often look forward to their birthdays for months.  Their birthdays are their big days, when they are the centre of attention and all their friends come to celebrate.

We should never forget our birthdays or the birthdays of those who are close to us.  Birthdays keep us childlike.  They remind us that what is important is not what we do or accomplish, not what we have or who we know, but that we are, here and now.  On birthdays let us be grateful for the gift of life."

Yes, let's not forget to celebrate that 'we are'.  Our life is a gift from our great Creator and 'we are fearfully and wonderfully made.'  Let me leave you with some verses from Psalm 139.....

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvellous - how well I know it.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was born.  Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day day passed.  How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.  They cannot be numbered!  Psalm 139:13-17

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you for making me, loving me and watching over me every day of my life.  Help me to realise afresh how precious I am to You and celebrate that with You.  Amen

Friday, February 9, 2018

A Key To Success - 2

What is success? I define a successful life as one where you are at peace with yourself and God.  Maybe you think it's too late, too impossible or too hard. Read on, because I want to give you an important key to a successful life.  (If you haven't read my previous post it would be good to do as as this is a continuation.)  I was writing about Joseph, favourite son of Jacob who had a huge future ahead but for many years he suffered; yet through it all Joseph kept heart, was faithful in his given tasks and........ believed in his dream.

Joseph found himself propelled into responsibility as the second highest person in Egypt. He had been found faithful in the small things as he had been prepared for this major role in life.  It had required patience, perseverance and holding on to hope.  He had trusted God and continued to hope.  I believe that as he looked back on the events of his life he could see God's plan and preparation for the famine that came not only affected Egypt but also Canaan where his family lived.  I think he was at peace with what his brothers had done and held no bitterness towards them.  But that was yet to be tested.

Perhaps you have known betrayal, major disappointment, abuse, been cheated or falsely accused. If it's been done by family members it's all the more difficult to forgive.  You may think, "why should I forgive them anyway, they don't deserve to be forgiven. I can live without them."  You probably can live without them in your life, and that may be the wisest thing to do. However, you do need to forgive them .......for your own sake!

Why do we think that holding unforgiveness hurts the other person and has no effect on us.  It has been said that not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!

One day, right out of the blue, Joseph is confronted by 10 of his brothers, the very ones who had sold him into slavery so many years before.  They now came on behalf of their father and whole family, begging to be sold grain as their land was in famine and they had no supplies.  They bowed before Joseph, just as he'd seen in his dream as a young man.  What kind of emotions would you have felt were you in his position?  Joseph wasn't ready to reveal his real identity so he spoke harshly to them and accused them of being spies.  (Read the story in Genesis 42.)  He questioned them about their family to see if they were honest and to find out if his younger brother and father were still alive.  Then he set them a test of loyalty and honesty which filled them with fear.

As time went on they passed the test and returned for a second supply of grain.  It was then that Joseph finally revealed himself and wept with joy.  Why could he weep with joy?  Because he had forgiven them. He had seen that God had a plan to save his family (Genesis 45:8)

We will never fully understand God's ways but sometimes he accomplishes them through the most difficult things in our lives.   If we learn to see that God can use what we see as injustice or abuse of power or downright unkindness, and we grow in wisdom, grace, peace, joy and love if we will forgive.  It is for our sake that we forgive because it allows God to forgive us which will bring us the peace we so need to lead a successful and fulfilled life.

For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. Matthew 6:14 (CSB)

PRAYER: Jesus, you know what it's like to forgive those who abused you, mocked you, beat you and hung you up to suffer and die.  You spoke words of forgiveness from the cross in the midst of your pain.  Help me to forgive from my heart.  Amen

Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Key to Success - 1

Most people if not everyone has a desire for success in life. I tend to think that God built it into us because he desires that we have success. Probably very few actually achieve their dreams.  As I sat to write I was reminded of a young man who had phenomenal success and rose to great heights and I looked again at  his story Genesis 35-45. This is the journey of Joseph.

Recently our nephew shared the starring role of Joseph in the Nelson Youth Theatre's musical of the well known Biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colours. A story of favouritism, prophetic dreams, jealousy, betrayal, lies, imprisonment, famine, and ultimate honour.  

I love this story of Joseph because it shows me just how much attitude determines what kind of life we lead.  Joseph's older brothers (from another mother) were jealous of Joseph and when he had a dream and (probably unwisely) shared it with them, they became angry.  Their father had showed his favouritism by giving Joseph a wonderful many-coloured coat, so in their jealousy they plotted to get rid of him. This resulted them selling Joseph off to passing slave traders who took him to Egypt.  They then splattered his beautiful coat with animal blood and told their father that Joseph had probably been killed by a wild animal.

In Egypt Joseph was bought by Potiphar who was a military man in Pharoah's army.  God had plans for this young man but they wouldn't come about without much testing of Joseph's character. Because of Joseph, God prospered the household where Joseph served.    Very soon Joseph found himself in charge of Potiphar's whole household and land.  But trouble was brewing.

Potiphar's wife had an eye for this handsome young man and made a play for him.  Joseph was determined not to play her game and refused her advances.  He wanted to be faithful to his master who had put so much trust in him.  This made her so angry that she lied about Joseph saying that he had tried to seduce her.  Joseph was immediately shipped off to prison where the king's servants went when they fell out of favour.

Amazingly even in prison it seems that Joseph kept a good attitude which gained him favour with the prison guard who put him in charge of everything.  God had a plan and even in the prison His plan was being worked out. His presence was with Joseph who continued to serve well, and so he prospered.  He just got on with life.  I believe he had a heart to serve the God who had given him an impossible dream of leadership.  He believed his dream.

How difficult it is to hold onto hope when there is no obvious hope on the horizon.  Eventually Joseph was asked to interpret dreams for the king's cupbearer and the king's baker who were in prison with him.  The dreams were fulfilled exactly as Joseph had predicted, but another 2 years had to pass before God was ready to send Joseph on the ride of his life.

Do you have a dream which seems impossible? Have you become discouraged, disillusioned, disheartened?  Has life taken a turn for the worse?  God had a mission for Joseph which required great preparation, and with God's grace Joseph kept his attitude right.  He waited patiently and suddenly overnight he shot to the second highest rank in the land.  Impossible?  Not for God.

However, a few years down the track Joseph's attitude would be tested time.....

For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. " Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer:  Lord God, help me to remember that no what happens to me it is part of your purpose to develop my character.  Help me to keep an attitude that will honour Jesus Christ and enable you to bless me as you did Joseph.  Amen

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Over the years I have lived through a number of typhoons... (in Hong Kong) and some big storms in Australia. As I've observed the aftermath of these, especially great fallen trees, I never ceased to be amazed at the shallow root system these big trees have which is why they are so vulnerable to high winds.

There are 2 main types of root systems for plants and for trees.  They are tap root and fibrous roots and most of us have learned about these in our nature study classes in primary school.  The big oak trees that stand for sometimes hundreds of years have tap roots but others like the eucalypts in Australia have shallow fibrous roots that can't withstand a lot of pressure.

So what would make me want to write about them here you may ask.  Because they speak about stability and in our very unstable world I think trees have a lesson we can learn. Unlike trees, we, as people, get to choose what kind of root system (or foundation) we have in our lives.  That will depend upon where we put our confidence and trust.  Many people, probably the majority, put their confidence in their own abilities, knowledge or money.  They feel no need to look elsewhere for strength and support.  Others of us have learned that we cannot trust in ourselves, possessions, knowledge or even people, who can let us down when we most need them; so we have turned to the one who can give us stability in the toughest times and peace in the midst of life's storms.

Listen to what Jeremiah 17:7-8 says....
“But blessed are those who trust in the LORD
and have made the LORD their hope and confidence.
They are like trees planted along a riverbank,
with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
or worried by long months of drought.
Their leaves stay green,
and they never stop producing fruit."

This speaks of a blessing for those who trust in God rather than in themselves or others.
They will have water in drought so won't be bothered when the heat comes.

On the other hand, a person who chooses the fibrous roots system....trusting in many things rather than centering their trust in God alone will not have the same confidence.  In fact the consequence is more dire..... Jeremiah 17: 5-6
This is what the LORD says:
“Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans,
who rely on human strength
and turn their hearts away from the LORD.
They are like stunted shrubs in the desert,
with no hope for the future.
They will live in the barren wilderness,
in an uninhabited salty land.

As we head into this new year I see only an increase in the distress of nations and uncertainty of what the future holds.  When I look at what has happened even in the past 2 months in natural disasters, and what we are told may happen with multiple volcanoes threatening eruption; the mountains of rubbish and floating masses of waste kilometres long and wide in oceans; refugees
numbering millions and the problem of feeding and housing them, I see that only God has an answer to our problems.  I pray that you will decide to put your trust in Him who is the one who gives peace and hope.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13

Prayer:  God forgive me for trusting in my own strength, abilities, assets and people.  Help me to have the wisdom to put my trust in you and grow strong roots to give my life stability and purpose. Amen

Monday, January 1, 2018

A Brand New Year

Happy New Year to you....may 2018 be a year to remember in the very best kind of way. May you live it without regrets, may you have hope, peace and joy as you face the challenges that life will no doubt deal you and me. How?  Let me share with you how I plan to live this year in hope, joy and peace.

Forgetting the things that are past and reaching to what lies ahead. Philippians 3:13.
It is too easy for us to beat up on ourselves for our areas of failure but it brings nothing but condemnation and depression.  I choose to do myself a favour and forget what is negative from the past.  I have brought it to God and asked His forgiveness and now I choose to forgive myself.

And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone,  forgive them, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.   But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses. Matthew 11:25-26 
There will be opportunities this year to either get offended or to forgive people.  If I choose to forgive those who hurt me (whether intentionally or unintentionally) I know I will find peace and joy.

Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need and thank him for what he has done.  Then you will experience his peace. Philippians 4:6-7

There is so much going on in the world right now to depress, spark fear and bring hopelessness if we choose to dwell on it.  Instead I choose to Fix my thoughts  on things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:7-8

I  can rejoice because Psalm 5:11-12 says But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend (protect) them; Let those who also love Your name be joyful in You.  For you, O Lord, will bless the godly; with favour You will surround them as with a shield.

As you can see God's word is full of everyday wisdom for those who trust their lives to Him. May He be your strength and shield as you walk into this new year.

Prayer:  Thank you Father for a brand new year.  Thank you for your love which is ever present.  Help me to walk in the circle of your love this year and to demonstrate your love as I journey through this year.  Amen