Friday, December 7, 2018

Be Still and Find Hope

Be that is some challenge in our busy world, but it seems like a particularly impractical challenge in this season of the year that is often known as the 'silly season' because of the incredible frenzy of activity that people engage in leading up to Christmas.

I have been challenged about being still lately and I have to admit that when I take time to attempt to actually be still I am acutely away of the difficulty of doing it, even though my life is not frantic. When I am deliberately still I become aware of the lack of stillness in me, the jangling of the fibres of my being tell me that I need a whole lot more practice.  Why is it important?  You could take a few minutes to answer that question for yourself.  

Some call this 'being still' the practice of 'mindfulness' and it is being brought into schools to help children cope with life's challenges, of which there are many these days.  Mindfulness though, lacks a helpful focus. It is an attempt, I believe, to replace what Christian education used to give, and that is hope.

Our mental health statistics in this country are 'through the roof' and it is of great concern to our government.  So many people without hope of a future.  There is no hope when they listen to the news, and the scientists who tell us that time is running out for our world as we know it.  So where do we look?

My own challenge to be still has a focus, 'Be still and know that I am God.....' Psalm 46:10.  The mindfulness of meditating on God is powerful and brings great hope.  Children have been denied the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the One who can give them real hope and stability.  Most don't learn about God in their homes because their parents don't have a personal faith.  Now the schools deny entry to Christian instruction and we are seeing the results.  We just have to take a look at America, which calls itself a Christian country, to see what taking God out of schools does.  They did that many years ago and the results are tragic.  Kids have nothing to live for so they take the lives of others and kill themselves.....nothing to lose, or so they think.

To know the God who sent Jesus Christ to rescue us from hopelessness is to know the God of hope, the God of love, the God of peace, the God of all comfort, the God of mercy and the God of grace.  To deny that we need any or all of those things is foolishness.  Likewise, to deny that we need the God who created us in His image is also foolishness.  To do life your own way without God is sin.  Sin separates you from God, even if you are a most noble and good-living person.

God's word is full of hope which is sure and true.  My challenge to you today is "be still and know that He is God"; my prayer for you today is from Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer:  God of all hope, help me to be still and really know you.  Amen

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