Monday, January 16, 2017

All Things

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28
Prisons can take various forms: a real prison, a prison of sickness, a prison of a bad marriage.  You can be imprisoned in a toxic relationship, or a life/work situation, even a neighbourhood.
Joseph found himself in a very real prison through absolutely no fault of his own.  His life circumstances took a seemingly terrible turn at an early age.  He was the younger brother from a different mother.  He was greatly favoured by his father which caused jealousy among his brothers.  To make matters worse God also favoured Joseph with a prophetic dream in which his parents and his brothers bowed down to him.  Joseph unwisely (we would think) shared the dream with his brothers.  This stirred up a hornet's nest of jealousy and anger which resulted in them saying, in effect, "Enough is enough.  Let's get rid of this upstart once and for all."  
They sold Joseph into slavery and told their father he was dead.  How tragic and unjust, we would say! But when we look at the story of Joseph in it's entirety we see that this terrible event, for Joseph and his father was actually in the purposes of God.  As if being a slave was not bad enough, Joseph then finds himself wrongly accused of rape and thrown into prison. (Do read the whole story again in Genesis 37, 39, 40, 41.)
How was God's plan at work?  Joseph was bought by Potiphar who was captain of Pharoah's guard.  A very influential man in the king's court.  His household would have been host to many important people who mixed in court circles.  Joseph would have heard much about the workings of Pharoah's house I am sure and become familiar with many of the people (on a servant level of course).  Potiphar recognised that Joseph brought favour to his house and gradually he made him the ruler over the whole household (preparation for the future).  
In time Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of trying to rape her when the opposite was true.  The result was that Joseph then finds himself in prison.  (Really God, how can this be good?)  There in prison Joseph's behaviour brought the favour of God upon him again.  Even in prison Satan cannot prevent the favour of God from resting upon us.  So.... the prison warden puts Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners and all that happened in prison (Genesis 39:22-23).  In that prison was a person of influence.  The king's cupbearer, and we don't know why he was there, except that he was a key to Joseph's future.  This man had a dream that Joseph interpreted correctly and the man was restored to his position in Pharoah's court.  Joseph said to him as he left "Please remember me."  The man forgot about him for another 2 years! Joseph only came to mind when Pharaoh had a dream that no-one could interpret.  Then the cupbearer remembered Joseph. It was Joseph's time to shine, and shine he did, far brighter than he could have ever imagined.
As I read this story again I am reminded of several things.  
  • Our 'prisons' can be God-ordained.
  • Our prison can be our preparation time for God's future purposes.
  • God's favour can rest on us no matter what the circumstances.
  • Our attitude and faithfulness in our circumstances can bring promotion.
  • There may be significant contacts to be made during our 'imprisonment'.
  • Patient endurance has it's reward.
  • God has appointed a time for our vindication. He holds the key to our release.
  • We can never imagine the possibilities that can eventuate when God is allowed to 'call the shots'. 
In closing God's word speaks for itself....."For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!" Isaiah 64:4.

Prayer:  Dear God, please help me to be faithful in whatever difficult situation I find myself in so that I have the joy of seeing how you work on my behalf.  Amen

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