Friday, January 27, 2017

Who Is The Greatest?

"Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?" Matthew 18:1

Who is the greatest?  This shortened version of the disciples question is one often thought about, written about and spoken about in our world.  In his day Mohammed Ali voiced his own answer to the question. "I am the greatest."  Humility may not have been his greatest virtue, but then again, in the boxing arena he probably spoke the truth.  He was a great boxer.

When I read the account of the disciples asking this question I cringe for them.  As I do for James and John (or their mother) when I read about them asking to be seated at Jesus' side in heaven. (Matthew 20:20). Actually they were just being honest.  Many people think it but don't voice it.  When the disciples asked what I may consider inappropriate questions, it gave Jesus a perfect teaching opportunity.

I am re-reading "The Shack" at the moment (a controversial novel among some Christians), but I am enjoying the conversations between Papa and Mack.  Mack is experiencing the Trinity as 3 identities all interacting beautifully and in perfect harmony with each other yet he still has the very human question.  "Which one of you is in charge?"  In other words, "Who's the boss?"  Papa goes to great lengths to explain that in their 'world' no-one needs to be in charge because they work in perfect unity.  And of course, this is what God desires for his people.

In answer to the disciples' question Jesus teaches about humility and equality by taking a little child and says, in effect, "you've got to become like this little child".  As I thought on that I wondered about the age of the child because they so soon get into the very human way of wanting to be in charge. I've decided it had to be a baby!!  

Child-likeness, (not childishness), is the most valuable quality in God's sight.  It encompasses things like humility, dependence, trust and acceptance.  A child believes implicitly the father's word.  It doesn't doubt or question (until it gets older).  And it always thinks that it's Daddy is the greatest. That is the childlikeness that God is looking for in us; a mature but simple faith.  Without it we won't be entering the kingdom of heaven because we have to believe the Father when He says that we ALL have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), that we ALL need to be redeemed, and God has done that through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:8) and He, and He alone is the only entry point to heaven (John 14:6).  

Prayer:  Lord God, help me to have the childlikeness that believes your word and trusts in Jesus' sacrifice alone as my entry into heaven.  Help me also to walk in humility towards all those I meet and mix with. Amen

Monday, January 16, 2017

All Things

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28
Prisons can take various forms: a real prison, a prison of sickness, a prison of a bad marriage.  You can be imprisoned in a toxic relationship, or a life/work situation, even a neighbourhood.
Joseph found himself in a very real prison through absolutely no fault of his own.  His life circumstances took a seemingly terrible turn at an early age.  He was the younger brother from a different mother.  He was greatly favoured by his father which caused jealousy among his brothers.  To make matters worse God also favoured Joseph with a prophetic dream in which his parents and his brothers bowed down to him.  Joseph unwisely (we would think) shared the dream with his brothers.  This stirred up a hornet's nest of jealousy and anger which resulted in them saying, in effect, "Enough is enough.  Let's get rid of this upstart once and for all."  
They sold Joseph into slavery and told their father he was dead.  How tragic and unjust, we would say! But when we look at the story of Joseph in it's entirety we see that this terrible event, for Joseph and his father was actually in the purposes of God.  As if being a slave was not bad enough, Joseph then finds himself wrongly accused of rape and thrown into prison. (Do read the whole story again in Genesis 37, 39, 40, 41.)
How was God's plan at work?  Joseph was bought by Potiphar who was captain of Pharoah's guard.  A very influential man in the king's court.  His household would have been host to many important people who mixed in court circles.  Joseph would have heard much about the workings of Pharoah's house I am sure and become familiar with many of the people (on a servant level of course).  Potiphar recognised that Joseph brought favour to his house and gradually he made him the ruler over the whole household (preparation for the future).  
In time Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of trying to rape her when the opposite was true.  The result was that Joseph then finds himself in prison.  (Really God, how can this be good?)  There in prison Joseph's behaviour brought the favour of God upon him again.  Even in prison Satan cannot prevent the favour of God from resting upon us.  So.... the prison warden puts Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners and all that happened in prison (Genesis 39:22-23).  In that prison was a person of influence.  The king's cupbearer, and we don't know why he was there, except that he was a key to Joseph's future.  This man had a dream that Joseph interpreted correctly and the man was restored to his position in Pharoah's court.  Joseph said to him as he left "Please remember me."  The man forgot about him for another 2 years! Joseph only came to mind when Pharaoh had a dream that no-one could interpret.  Then the cupbearer remembered Joseph. It was Joseph's time to shine, and shine he did, far brighter than he could have ever imagined.
As I read this story again I am reminded of several things.  
  • Our 'prisons' can be God-ordained.
  • Our prison can be our preparation time for God's future purposes.
  • God's favour can rest on us no matter what the circumstances.
  • Our attitude and faithfulness in our circumstances can bring promotion.
  • There may be significant contacts to be made during our 'imprisonment'.
  • Patient endurance has it's reward.
  • God has appointed a time for our vindication. He holds the key to our release.
  • We can never imagine the possibilities that can eventuate when God is allowed to 'call the shots'. 
In closing God's word speaks for itself....."For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!" Isaiah 64:4.

Prayer:  Dear God, please help me to be faithful in whatever difficult situation I find myself in so that I have the joy of seeing how you work on my behalf.  Amen

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


  Now may the God of peace… equip you with every good thing to do his will. – Hebrews 13:20-21 NET

To do many kinds of work you need particular equipment.  My office contains equipment for acrylic and watercolour painting, I have loads of brushes and different paper and canvases to paint on but they lie mostly untouched.  I am a "wanna be" artist.  I love to make greeting cards and this also requires tools, dies, stamps and an embossing/cutting tool, not to mention a heap of various cards and papers.  The card making equipment, I am happy to say, gets quite a bit of use.  It is my "happy place" when I am crafting cards.

When we come to Christ, he has a purpose and a plan that he sees for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).  He equips us to do what he 'sees' us doing and he plants within us a passion, desire or a leaning towards doing those things, so then it comes easy to us.  Our daughter is a compassionate caring person with a way of handling the elderly and needy. (Not that I let her handle me!!) Our son is passionate about flying (inherited from Dad).  I find administration and working with words comes naturally.  When a verse speaks to my heart and I set out to write, I won't really know where it's going because the Holy Spirit is guiding my thoughts and bringing other scriptures to mind. I don't have to struggle with it, usually anyway! In 2 Corinthians 3:5 Paul writes, "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God." 
When we work or serve in the area that God has equipped us for we will be satisfied and fruitful in our work.  We run into trouble and stress when we try to do things outside of our giftedness.  I recently discovered that with something I had volunteered to do.  I became so stressed every time I had to pick up the phone to do the job.  It 'wasn't me' and I had to admit it and bow out gracefully.  What a relief!

Is there something you are struggling with?  Do you feel like a square peg in a round hole?  You'd better find a square hole instead.  Look again and see what energises you and satisfies you and it will take the stress out of your work.  Life is too short to go through life doing what you think you should be doing instead of what you enjoy doing.  By the way, it's quite okay to enjoy yourself!  Of course there will always be day to day things we don't really enjoy doing like chores, but they are just a part of living and have to be done, but the kind of work we do or our work and/or Christian service should be satisfying, leaving us fulfilled, not frustrated. 

Prayer:  Heavenly Father thank you for equipping me to do the kind of work that will satisfy me and fulfil your purposes for my life.  If I need to make some changes that will help me to be more in line with what you designed me for, please show me what I should do.  Amen

Sunday, January 1, 2017


....Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.  Ephesians 3:17

We have had the joy of welcoming quite a few people, both family and friends, into our home this past year.  Visits varied from just a cuppa through to stays for a few days.  These visits came about usually by invitation, either verbal or written so when they came people knew they would be welcomed, and they responded to our invitation accordingly. I hope that the welcome has been sufficient to make them feel valued, and to feel comfortable in our home.

These were passing encounters, but there is one visitor that I want to make increasingly welcome.  His name is Jesus and I want him to hang around.  I want him to be there because he is my "strong place" when the going gets rough, he is my peace in the face of rising bad news in the world, he is my comfort in sadness, and knowing His presence brings joy to strengthen me each day.  He is the kind of visitor we all need. For that to happen  we need to make him welcome and comfortable because His presence is conditional upon an invitation from us.  And as with any relationship, time spent together determines the depth and quality of the relationship.

As we stand at the threshold of this new year I pray the words of the Apostle Paul from Ephesians 3:16-19.....I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

May we increasingly know and truly believe in the great unconditional love that God, through Jesus Christ, has for us all as we journey into 2017.

Prayer:  Father God, thank you for the great gift of love you sent to us in the form of Jesus Christ.  Help me to increasingly make him welcome in my life that I might become a beacon of light and love to those around me.  Amen