Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Get Real

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.  Hebrews 4:13

It's funny what one thinks about at times.  I was sitting looking at the units behind us and remembering how, not many months ago, I was watching this building under construction and now it's occupied by lovely new neighbours.

I was particularly thinking about the roof and the layers that are now hidden beneath the iron.  The trusses went up, pre-formed and then each was secured firmly by builders.  Later it was covered by layers of insulation, and what looked like plastic wrap, and then the roofers came and covered it up.  Later the electricians came and threaded an incredible maze of wires, not only for power and TV,  telephone and internet but also for call buttons in case we ever need help.  Yes, lots is hidden under that roof!  It will keep out the rain and the cold and offer protection from the sun.

We humans have something in common with roofs.  We have a nice clean 'roof' that we show the world, yet hidden underneath may be hidden many layers of 'stuff' that protect us from really being seen for who we are.  Why do we hide?  Usually because we are afraid that "if they really knew what I was like" or if they knew what I had done", they wouldn't like me.

If you find yourself thinking these kind of thoughts I have a question for you.  Do you really think that you are unique in having 'a past'.  I have news for you!  We all have things that we are ashamed of to one degree or another because God says that we have all sinned (Romans 3:23) and if we say we have not sinned the Bible says we are calling God a liar (1 John 1:10).

Trying to hide things from people and from God is such a useless waste of energy.  People can often see through us and mostly love us anyway (if they are walking in the love of God), and God knows all about us and loves us anyway.  Remember what he sent Jesus to suffer and shed his blood for?  So that we might have his righteousness and not have to worry about our own 'goodness' any longer.  So let's get real with God and with others and save all that energy we use on keeping up appearances.  Your honesty and transparency about your past may just help someone else get free of their big cover up too.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, forgive me from trying to hide my shame from you, thank you that you know me inside out and love me anyway.  Forgive me for being afraid to be known for who I really am with others.  Help me to get real and be free from trying to be something I am not. Amen

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