Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sleeping in the Storm

As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.  Luke 8:23

As I read this story of Jesus sleeping in the boat that was filling with water while the disciples battled to keep the boat afloat in the raging waters, I am reminded of how we can so easily think that God is asleep in the midst of our troubles, and we have to keep things afloat.  Our problem is often that we feel we need to be in control or at least have things looking like they are in order.

How difficult it is for us ,(read me).  to watch a situation occurring and to just let it happen.  It's not in my nature,  I want to fix things.  Actually that means I want to be in control.  It is so interesting that God allows things to get messy sometimes in order to bring about His purposes.  If we try to fix things, we can actually prevent him from being able to bring about the best solution to the issue.

Let's face it, a lot of us are 'fixers'.  Would we have allowed Moses to spend 40 years minding sheep in the desert?  A clever young man like him, such a great upbringing, such leadership capabilities.  Shepherding??  What a waste!  Yet God was using that time in the desert as a character-building exercise for Moses.  There was a time for his leadership skills to be used......actually the time was when he had no confidence in himself. (Exodus 4).

In Ecclesiastes 3:11 the writer says that "there is a time for everything....".  That time is the right time, God's time and his timing is perfect.  Have you noticed how many stories and prophecies in the Bible demonstrate the absolutely perfect timing in what God does.  I have to tell you he IS in control.

As we watch world events seeming to move from critical to chaotic, we Christians can rest in the peace of knowing that God has perfect timing in it all.  Man thinks he has to work it all out but just when he thinks he's got it sorted something else will happen to show that he doesn't.  We don't just do nothing, we pray earnestly for the things we see!

God is not asleep in your situation, he maybe waiting for you to hand things over to him and leave it in his hands for his purposes and his timing.  Yes, there are times when we need to act, but let's allow God to tell us when that is, and not to just assume that it's our responsibility to resolve something or make it happen. Hand your situation over to him with the confidence that he has it in his control then you will be able to get some sleep in your storm.

Prayer:  Father, forgive me to wanting to be the fixer in situations.  Help me to see that you may have a special purpose in allowing things to happen.  Help me to commit things to you and trust you to work them out.  Amen

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