Monday, February 8, 2016

The Fear Factor

And all the people in that region begged Jesus to go away and leave them alone, for a great wave of fear had swept over them.  Luke 8:37 (NLT)

One of the most effective weapons of Satan, our arch enemy, is fear, and in Christian circles we probably don't address 'the fear factor' often enough.  We need to bring things into the light and take a look at them in different ways so we don't get 'the wool pulled over our eyes'.

In this story in Luke 8 we see Jesus arriving by boat in the area of the Gadarenes and being immediately confronted with  a very demon possessed man. He works an amazing miracle of deliverance on him the result of which, for the man, was great joy, and a desire to follow Jesus.  On the other hand, the people in the region were overcome with 'a great wave of fear' and they begged Jesus to depart from them.

What were they afraid of?  After all hadn't they been afraid of the mad man who had run naked among the tombs? Now that threat had gone you would think they would be pleased.  No way!  They just saw Jesus as a threat to their livelihood because a herd of pigs had been 'sacrificed' in the course of the deliverance (read the story).  In begging Jesus to depart and leave them to their 'safe and comfortable' environment they were robbing themselves and their community of a much greater  blessing through the teaching and ministry of Jesus.

How often do we deny Jesus entrance into a part of our life because we fear that he will make changes that we won't like, or ask us to do something we feel we are not able to do, or we think he will deny us things that we really, really want?   When we do that we are operating in fear and doing the same as these Gadarenes did.  We are actually depriving ourselves of great blessing because Jesus  said that he came so that we might have the best kind of life (John 10:10).  He also promised to give us grace to do whatever he asks of us (2 Corinthians 12:9) and he will help us (Hebrews 13:6).  Jesus came to show us exactly what God, our Father, is like, loving, affirming, safe, able to be trusted, willing to give His very life for us?  Why do we believe Satan's lies that He only wants to deprive or harm us?

Why do we fear?  Because we lack faith.  When the disciples were fearful in the storm on the lake Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith (Matthew 8:26).  Fear is the opposite of faith, there is no way around it.  Faith and fear cannot exist together, one has to go.  You get to choose which one you will entertain.  If you find yourself fearful you need to read your Bible and get to know the One who is faithful and true and will protect you as you put your trust in Him. Then step out of the boat!

As we see all kinds of terrible things happening in our world we have an opportunity to exercise our faith in God who is still the creator and sustainer of all things and in whom all things hold together.  Our times are in his hands, his control, and that gives me peace.  I pray you will escape the clutches of fear and put your faith in your wonderful heavenly Father.

Daniel 11:32b says, "..the people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits." They know Him by personal experience, that He can be trusted so they put their trust in Him. Do you know Him?

Prayer:  Father God, you long to see me walk in faith, trusting in you as I face the challenges of life and not turn away from you in fear.  Help me to return to the trust that a child has toward a good earthly Father.  Amen

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