Monday, March 21, 2016


But you O Lord God are a God full of compassion...Psalm 86:15

Do you ever wonder how you would react in a crisis? In this lead up to Easter I am thinking again of how the disciples and other followers of Jesus reacted and asking myself "what would I have done?"

Jesus had made no secret of the fact that he was about to be betrayed and given over to hostile authorities to "go the way that had been determined" for him (Luke 22:21-22). Peter swore that he would be loyal, stand with him through thick and thin but he had a lot to learn about himself.  Jesus knew that Peter would fail and he pre-warned him but he also said "I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail" (Luke 22:33-34).

So what did Peter do in the ensuing crisis?  At first he was 'strong' and brash. When the arresting party came he took a sword and cut of the ear of the servant of the high priest.  Jesus healed the ear said "Permit this (to happen)." He knew his time had come.  Peter followed on and watched from a distance in the courtyard.  He was recognised as a follower of Jesus by three people over the course of an hour or two and each time he denied that he even knew him.  It was a dangerous time, others had fled but he stayed.  He thought he was the strong one. When he realised his weakness in standing with Jesus, and his utter failure, he went from that courtyard and wept, a broken man.

At the cross were John with Mary the mother of Jesus and 2 other Marys.  No doubt lost in grief over the events of the past few hours and now watching the agony of his death on the cross.  The worst kind of death imaginable and to a man who was blameless in every way.  They stood close enough to hear Jesus speak, committing the care of his mother to his friend John.

On the first day of the week, after the sabbath had been kept, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb where Jesus had been laid to anoint his body but the tomb was empty.  She ran to tell the others and Peter and John came running to see if it was true, and seeing that it was they took off again to report back to the others but Mary stayed in the garden near the tomb and there she had her own special encounter with the risen Lord.  In her crisis she pressed in, stayed close and Jesus met with her (John 20).

In times of crisis, grief and sorrow we have different reactions and Jesus understands.  Some are angry in their pain and loss, accusing God of not caring and "How could he do this?" Others, like Mary stay in a place where Jesus is able to comfort them and speak to them.  She had questions, she didn't understand it all, but she lingered to be near him and he met with her.

What will you do?  No matter what your response is, Jesus will still love you, but if you tuck in to him you will have the benefit of his comfort.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you that even in my darkest times you will come to comfort me. Help me to stay humble, trusting you in my pain.  Amen

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