Friday, April 10, 2020

Time For Reflection

For those of you missing the great outdoors here is a beautiful photo taken somewhere in North America recently. We can't go but we can still enjoy!

How blessed we are during this 'lockdown' to have the time to ponder, enjoy, read, write emails, chat with friends.  No rush.  We have been given the gift of time to be still, be reflective, be creative.  

I was reading Romans 12 where Paul urges believers to " transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you might prove what is that good and acceptable and  perfect will of God." Vs 2.  Prove means to test, examine or scrutinise.  In other words we really need to examine th scriptures, look into them, give time for what we read to gel in our minds and hearts in order to know what God is saying to us. We do this because our minds need to be continually transformed in the way we think in order to line up with how God thinks.  We all have mindsets that need changing , well I do anyway, and it is the truth of God's word renewing our mind that works the transformation.  

I don't know about you, but I am very inclined to read my Bible and not get to the examining part unless something hits my heart. That's because I am a 'feeling' kind of person; not one who is analytical.  I have to work at really looking into God's word reflectively. Perhaps most of us do.

When I looked further into Romans 12 I found these things.  Maybe you will find more..... 
  • Vs 3 - God's grace is seen in each of our lives in different ways.
  • Vs 4-5 - Though we are all members of the body of Christ we are each gifted as individuals to be used in the way God has designed for us.
  • Vs 6 -8 - We are to recognise and use our gifts for the benefit of the body of Christ, knowing that our part really does matter no matter how small it is.
  • Vs 9-13 - We are to be genuine in our love for one another, be kind to each other, give preference to one another, be diligent, pray determinedly, be generous, be hospitable. These we are enabled to do by God's grace and our obedience, even if it doesn't come naturally.
  • Vs 14-17 - We are to bless those who persecute us, we are to feel with others whatever emotion they are experiencing - empathise. Lord help me to do this!
  • Vs 18-20 - We are to be likeminded in our faith, humble, not repaying evil for evil, leaving God to take vengeance where necessary, living at peace with everyone as much as we can.
  • Vs 21 - We are not allow ourselves to be overcome by evil (in any form) but to overcome evil with good.
There is something in there for each of us. If there is more than one thing you feel you need to work on, just choose one and start with that.  It's quite a tall order and could be overwhelming, BUT, it's all possible through pressing into God's and asking for His help. As we allow His word to transform our minds to become obedient to Him we are changed to become more like Him.  We do this because of what Christ did for us on the cross.  Galatians 6:14....But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

May God bless you as you take time to reflect on His word and find treasures there that will change your heart and mind and bring you more and more into his peace-giving presence.

Prayer:  Father God, thank you so much for your life-transforming word, the Bible.  Help me to treasure it, to value it, to allow it to go deep in my heart, to transform my mind.  Thank you that your way is truly the way of Life.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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