Friday, April 17, 2020


The story of Samson is famously known for him allowing himself to be seduced by Delilah. She was influenced by her kinfolk to find out, by whining and wearing him down, the secret of his strength and then robbing him of it.  Samson's life is a bit of a puzzle to many of us, and although we don't understand it, there are lessons to be learned and observations to be made to help us learn both from his victories and his mistakes. 

His parents, having been visited by the Angel of the Lord, (Judges 13), knew from before he was conceived, that he was God's man for the job.  It didn't make it any easier for them when he started to make, what seemed to them, strange life decisions.  They didn't understand why he requested a wife from the Philistines and they questioned his decision.  Maybe Samson didn't understand either why he had this desire.  Judges 14:4 gives us the answer.  It was a God-given desire so that He could move against the Philistines.  It was all in God's plan, not Samson's.  When God has a plan and we move to line ourselves up with His plan opposition will usually come.

 As Samson headed down to Timnah for his bride 'a young lion came roaring against him.  At the point of attack the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him and he tore the lion apart' and Samson continued on his way.

Satan always wants to hinder God's plans and wipe out God's people, or at the least discourage them.  Perhaps you had a great plan that was just beginning to take flight and then came this COVID-19 lockdown which has delayed everything and taken you prisoner.  Don't worry, I know these 2 things for sure - God's ways are not our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts.... (Isaiah 55:9), and God is in no hurry to bring about His purposes. If it's his plan, He will bring it to pass.  Job confessed this in his conversation with God (Job 42:2)...'I know that you can do all things, and that no plan of yours can be thwarted.'

Don't be afraid of interruptions and opposition, allow the Spirit of God to come upon you to fight through.  Stay connected, stay faithful, stay hope-filled and peaceful as you wait for His time.  He will do it.  'For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.'  Ecclesiastes 3:1 

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, help me, like Job, to recognise that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.  Help me to stay faithful to what you have shown me and wait patiently for your timetable.  In Jesus' name. Amen

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