Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Brand New Year

 A new day, a new year, a new decade. Here we are on January 1, 2020, a time to look forward to what lies ahead, forgetting what lies behind, if we can.  As I reflect on my writing I realise that this past Christmas was the first time in years of my writing this blog that I haven't written at least one with a Christmas theme.  It wasn't that I didn't start one, I did, but it didn't go beyond a couple of paragraphs.  Now it is too late, I've missed the opportunity and I can never get it back!

I can't quite put my finger on it, but something has changed. Christmas was different this year. I didn't get stressed about getting a whole lot of cards ready to mail a month before, in fact I made and sent very few cards this year.  I made only one batch of shortbread, no other cookies, I didn't even have to make a Christmas cake.  I didn't overstock the fridge and I didn't buy many gifts.  (We tend these days to buy charity gifts for family.)  So what did I do?  I relaxed and let it happen.  I took part in some Christmas services and carols and enjoyed time with family and friends. Now, a week later we are into another year.

This year many people are facing change.  They have lost loved ones, in unexpected accidents, in war, to disease, like Samoa with the measles outbreak; they have lost property in the bushfires which are still raging in Australia, in floods and earthquakes around the world.  Some are facing the uncertainty of what this year will bring for them as they face terminal illness or just old age.

Today as I read Genesis 1, I was struck again by the wonder of God's amazing hand in forming our world.   Yesterday as we drove a little way into the country to buy fresh eggs, and some pies from a favourite bakery, we marvelled at the beauty of the countryside and were thankful.  Yes, people deny the hand of the Creator but that's like looking at Westminster Abbey, or any building for that matter, and denying that anyone built it.  Crazy!  The closer we look into our creation and further we look into the heavens, it becomes increasingly obvious that everything couldn't possibly just happen without a guiding hand.

As we walk into this year we do not know what curved ball life will throw at us.  Let's determine that no matter what comes we will choose to find joy, or hope, or choose to grow in love or patience. I could say 'choose Jesus', because all those things can be found in walking in relationship with him, the One through whom all things were created and in him all things hold together.  For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. Romans 11:36

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you that I can have confidence that you hold all things together and you have all power in and over the heavens and the earth.  I do not understand many of the things that are happening in our world right now but I pray that those who are suffering in many different situations may find hope and peace in Jesus Christ ,and help me to choose to walk this year guided by your Spirit.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

1 comment:

Daphne Hunter said...

Thank you Jackie. I love reflecting on your blogs. They bring me closer to the Lord. With love and blessings