Sunday, October 1, 2017

What Time Is It?

One of our favourite TV comedy shows years ago was called "Tool Time".  The show usually started with a girl introducing the show by saying, "Hello everybody.  Can anybody tell me what time it is?"  The live audience would reply "Tool Time!"  Well that show is re-running on one of our TV stations and we record it and often watch an episode to have a few laughs before going to bed.

Now it is springtime and of late we have had a lot of rain (on and off) and my winter garden and pots have been looking like they needed a bit of attention.  Friday was a brilliant day and I planted snow peas, lettuce, tomato and petunias.  It was great to have some garden time.

This past week I have had news of the deaths of people I known of, and some of our elderly neighbours.  Also some notable (or notorious) people have left this earth.  For them it is the end of their earthly life but their spirits live on.

When I look at the terrible things coming upon our world one disaster upon another in one country after another; when I hear the inflammatory and threatening comments of nuclear powers and hear people speaking fearfully about what might be around the corner, I know what time it is!  Now volcanoes are rumbling again, and not just one of them!

It is the time that the Bible (which I call "The Manufacturers Handbook") talks about as a time of distress of the nations. In Luke 21:25 Jesus says this, “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." (emphasis is mine.)

Perhaps you are unaware of some things that have been going on in the heavens.  There have been unusual 'blood moons' in succession and solar eclipses that only happen once in many many years.  Also planets have been in unusual alignments (this is astronomy - not astrology!).  Things are happening.  I believe that God is saying, "Wake up, time is running out."  It is time to seek the Lord.

What does that mean?  For the Christian, one who believes in Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Saviour it is time to share the good news of the gospel like never before.  It is time to live a life that is worthy of Him; a life of love, mercy, grace and forgiveness, a time to watch and pray. It is time to look up for He is coming soon.

And what about you, my friend?  I have dear friends who would not call themselves Christian and don't want to be.  They plan to meet God on their terms hoping that they have been "good enough" to make 'the grade'.  But I ask you, how good is good enough?  If God is just and loving, which He is; can he set guidelines for 'making the grade' then just let everyone 'pass the exam'?  That wouldn't be just at all would it.  Will you think about that?

Not one of us is good enough to make it into heaven, that's why God provided his own way through Jesus, the one who lived a sinless life and died so we could be accepted by a holy God.
What will your response be?  Will you pray this prayer and find peace of mind and heart.  You and I never know when our time will be.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17

Prayer:  Holy God, I know I can never be good enough no matter how hard I try.  I know I need forgiveness for the many things I have done wrong, including thinking I can come before you on my own merit.  Thank you for sending Jesus Christ to die and take my sins away.  Help me to follow you and find peace through trusting in Jesus.  Amen

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