Thursday, October 1, 2015


Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. "Matthew 11:28

I wonder how many of you do life with an "I should"  mentality.  You do things because you feel you ought to rather than because you want to.  It's such an easy trap to fall into and it's often those 'shoulds' that keep us busier than we are meant to be.  Perhaps it's good to sometimes stand back and examine our own motives and ask ourselves "Why should I do that?  Do I need to do it?  Do I want to do it? Why don't I feel free to say that I don't want to do that without giving a reason?"

Often we do things because we fill gaps, take up slack that other people could just as well do.  If we are in the habit of doing that people will look at us and think that we think it's our job and they don't want to interfere.  It's good to include others when you can by encouraging them to help you instead of thinking, "I always get stuck with this!"

I am sure that Martha felt that way (Luke 10) as she slaved over food preparation for Jesus and his disciples while her sister Mary sat at Jesus feel absorbing his teaching.  Martha got so mad at the injustice that she took her complaint straight to Jesus. "Doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work. Tell her to come and help me."  Jesus reply would have surprised her.  "My dear Martha, you are distracted about all these details!  There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it - and I won't take it away from her."

Mary had discovered the rest of sitting at Jesus' feet.  She obviously wasn't into 'shoulds'.  I have to say that I would probably have been helping Martha in the kitchen, as much as I wanted to hear Jesus' teaching.  Mary was determined not to be robbed of that time no matter what her sister said.  She made an authentic choice and was comfortable with it.

Have you ever thought that coming to rest with Jesus is a form of worship?  It can be a real sacrifice when we see other things that should be done but it is something we (I)  need to learn to do better. Giving time to just 'be' in His presence pleases God so much.  It is a sacrifice that pleases him more than all our good works, because He knows that it will only do us good. Will you allow Him to help you prioritise your time in a way that pleases Him and benefits you.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, forgive me for so often putting other things before spending time with you. Please help me to align myself with your priorities so that I don't get overburdened but learn to come to you and rest.  Amen

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