Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Trust - 6

And I’ll sit back and say to myself, “My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!”’  Luke 12:19

For people approaching retirement age, (and for Australia that is a huge percentage of the population,) the temptation is to look at your superannuation or savings and think it won't be enough. And it may not be.  It was however, not like that for the man in the parable Jesus told in Luke chapter 12.  He had an abundance of wealth to see him through.  But that night was to be his last. Death knocked at his door. Jesus told this parable to show how foolish it is to put our trust in money rather than making sure we are ready to face our maker. This man thought he had it made.  Just build some bigger barns to store his wealth and live off that for the rest of his life. But life, for him, was done.

The apostle Paul was grateful when he wrote to the Philippians to thank them for sending him money.  He said, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want"(Phil 4:12).  Paul didn't have a credit card to rely on, only the Lord and the generosity of His people.  But that meant he probably wasn't in debt either! 

Trusting in our bank balance can limit our lives in so many ways.  We may feel called by God to some special task but if all we can see is the lack of money in our bank to follow through with it we may never be obedient.  Did you know that God will provide all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus and that if he calls you to a task He surely plans to provide the necessary finance for you to do it.  If you had what was needed up front you wouldn't have to trust God and thereby have the joy of seeing him provide.

In the same way retirement is a step of faith.  Not one of us knows what tomorrow will bring and we should never trust in our savings to carry us through this life in our closing days.  We've seen plenty of global financial crises in the past few decades so we should know better than to trust in our money.  Rather, let us be open to God's leading in our last years.  Our 'use by date' is not passed until we move to heaven.  God has a task for each day, whether big or small and we do it because we are to live for His glory.  Trusting God in our finances will enable us to be free to do His will and bring him glory in the tasks he calls us to.

Prayer:  My God, my provider, help me to trust you rather than my bank balance.  You are faithful always and will never let me down.  Amen

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