Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Now is the time.... To Press On

Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. 1 Timothy 4:8 (NLT)

Some of the least favourite times of my week are when I have to workout on the bike and weights for 20 minutes. I am fortunate that I only have to go to my garage to do this so it’s not even inconvenient; I can do it any time of the day or evening. I usually only workout every other day, but do you have any idea how difficult it is to put that time aside and do something good for my body!

I would rather clean in the kitchen, prune in the garden, or hang washing…… even wash windows if it meant I could put off the workout moment. Yet this is something I know that I need to do, because my body will benefit. As I do it I always thank God for a healthy body that is able to do physical exercise. Many would love that privilege.

Once I make it to the machine and get pedaling I find that 5 minutes into the regime I always think that today I won’t be able to hang in there for 20 minutes but I soon start adding the weights which involves counting the repetitions so my mind is busy and the time passes more quickly. The longer on the machine, the easier it becomes and soon I am into the last couple of minutes cool down where I can enjoy the ‘ride’ at a slower pace. One thing I find is that I need to exercise in the morning or I never get around to it. The other is that I always feel really good when I’ve disciplined myself to do it.

Today I got to thinking that the Christian life can be very much like a physical workout. If we don’t make time for God early in our day it’s very easy to fill the day with other things; things that are good and necessary in our busy lives, but things that have no lasting benefit.
The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy that physical exercise did indeed have value but spiritual exercise brings a greater reward because it also has eternal value.

Yes, we live in a physical world here but as we come to Christ we have another life. Our spiritual (eternal) life is begun and our spirit man needs to be fed and ‘exercised’. That’s where our time with God, communicating into that spirit realm, and reading God’s word which teaches us about eternal values and promises hope for a future after life on this earth is done.

Sometimes it is difficult to press into God when we can’t feel him and we feel dry and stale in our spirit, but that is the time we need the refreshing which comes from time spent in his presence allowing his love to reassure us of our value to him.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to remember that my spirit receives refreshing as I spend time in your presence. Help me to press on even when it feels difficult so that I can feel the benefit later. Amen

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