Monday, April 26, 2010

Now is the time…… To Ask

If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 1:5

Recently our daughter Cathy arrived at our place for a “Dad please fix” visit. Col, always the willing handyman, confronted the problem – the catch on her car boot (trunk), would no longer lock. The problem had occurred the day before when she had inadvertently jammed a metal ring on her handbag into the boot fastener.

We made lunch while Col worked on the problem but we were finished and he was still not done so we joined him in the autumn sun and stood by to ‘help’. He had taken the catch off and it worked perfectly but when he put it back on it didn’t. There seemed to be no reason for it not to work. Frustrating, especially when we were ready to eat!

Some years ago, the Lord had told me that I was not just to pray about the ‘big’ things, but that he was interested in the small things and that he wanted me to bring everything to him. As a result I bring him in on everything. This problem certainly needed more wisdom than we had, obviously. Silently I prayed, “Lord give us wisdom to see where the problem lies.”

Suddenly I noticed that the whole panel of the boot lid where the catch was attached seemed to have been pushed up which meant that the catch was sitting too high to work properly. Sure enough when I pointed it out Col agreed and so was soon able to fix the problem and we could then sit on the deck and enjoy our lunch and some family time together, thank you Lord.

God doesn’t mind helping us out with wisdom when we need it. In fact this verse in James 1 tells us that he gives it liberally, generously and doesn’t say, “What did you ask me that for?” He cares about even the smallest detail in your life. He wants to be your Abba Father, your Daddy, the one who helps to fix problems. But, he waits to be asked.

How many hours have you wasted trying to struggle with something, a lost item, a computer problem, a challenge at work that feels a bit beyond you? If you would only bring it to your Daddy he will generously give you the wisdom to solve the problem.

I was speaking to an elderly lady this past week who told me that she is often misplacing things, but instead of getting frustrated she asks the Lord where to find it and he answers her every time. There is a wise woman. Take a lesson, don’t struggle on, take a moment to ask for help from the one who is all wise and ever willing to help.

Prayer: Dear Father, forgive me for trying to struggle on with things that frustrate me and waste my time. Please remind me that I can come to you with my request at any time, and like a good father, you are only too happy to help. Amen

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