Sunday, March 21, 2010

Now is the time... To Take a Break

Remain in me and I in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from me. John 15:4

Recently I was on the phone when suddenly I heard a huge crack followed by a thud and more cracks. As I looked over the front balcony I saw below the dead branch, now in pieces, that had fallen from the tree which is only a couple of metres from our house. Fortunately it had fallen clear but it did take most of one of our struggling hedge plants with it.

This gave us a bit of a wake up call and we had a professional come to inspect the rest of the trees and tell us what needs to be done to avoid similar occurrences in the future. (The quote is costly!) In our discussion about how to look after the trees she said something quite interesting. She said that eucalypts, which Australia has many of, are very prone to shed even good branches in dry spells. Parts of Australia have many dry spells. If the tree thinks it doesn’t have enough nourishment, i.e. water, to sustain its size, it just sheds a branch. Quite smart when you think about it, but what a waste! She said what we need to do is water the trees. Oh, now that makes sense!

Of course my ‘Daydrops mind’ started running off with this example and I immediately thought about the Christian life. Many of us can get very busy and very dry. We can get on such a roll with ministry commitments that there is no time for the Sustainer of our ministry, Jesus, and his refreshing presence. Even as I am writing this I am thinking of at least 2 very valid ministry things I should be attending to (while writing this, another commitment). Not only that there are at least 3 household tasks which require attention today and I am feeling the pressure mounting. I know I am not alone in my dilemma.

I have noticed that there is a tendency for me (and others), when we get into times of pressure, to drop things that are really important instead of looking at the option which is a sensible and Biblical ‘fix’. Spend time with God! It will cost you some time, but, if you don’t, the cost will be greater; to the Kingdom, to your health and perhaps to your family.

God gives us work to do but he also has available all the grace we need to accomplish the task. We are to accomplish our God-given tasks with God-given strength, not our own. Remember….. he is the vine - our life source of nourishment. Don’t drop the good branch, go back to the vine and draw strength to finish the task. This means we have to take a spiritual break, spend time in worship, prayer and in taking in some more of God’s word. This will be life-giving, faith-building and ministry-enriching. And don’t forget to take a break with your family and friends and have some fun.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me for the times that I tend to run on empty. Help me right now to draw into your presence and draw strength and life you from to fulfil the tasks of today and to bear good fruit for your Kingdom. Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, just the reminder I needed, to slow down and prioritize. First make time with God, he is number 1 and everything else will fall into place.