Monday, March 29, 2010

Now is the time ..... For Autumn Growth

For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from me. John 15:4

This morning I am enjoying breakfast on my deck on a perfect autumn morning. A small boat has drifted slowly past the jetty, trolling for an early catch; the odd energetic figure walks along the tree-shaded paths while the magpies’ soft warble adds a pretty note to the high-pitched notes of other birds.

What has particularly caught my eye today is the foliage on a young ironbark nearby. It has an amazing amount of new growth at a time when I would have thought everything was shutting down for winter. But as I thought about that I realised there are a number of shrubs in the garden that are showing lots of growth right now after the heat of the summer. It’s lovely to see, especially the number of blooms on the grevilleas which keep shooting out new blooms as fast as I clip the dead ones. Autumn is the time that leaves change from regular green to vibrant orange and reds making this season their time to show off.

Perhaps you feel today that winter is setting in for you in the spirit realm. You’ve enjoyed the flashy flush of spring and summer growth and there seems to be nothing much to challenge and excite you in the immediate future. Let the example of autumn growth or vibrant colours stir your heart to nestle again into Jesus and draw from his life-giving flow. Perhaps there’s something more to do before you rest for winter.

Yes, we all need the rest of winter, time to regroup ready for the next burst of growth, but there is a place of quiet growth that delights the gardener’s heart. It may not be as obvious but it still adds to the overall health of the plant. Remember, the root structure is important to the life of the plant and no one sees those.

I am watching someone go through a time of transition back to the heart of God. It’s not obvious to others who are not watching closely but to my eye and heart it brings a smile and great joy because I see the changes and the growth. Sure and steady.

Perhaps your autumn growth is just to delight your heavenly Gardener’s heart. Do you mind if your growth is just for him? Do you mind if others don’t see and acknowledge it? Some things need to happen in the secret place like a baby in its mother’s womb….. but that’s another story! He sees it all.

Prayer: Jesus, lover of my soul, gardener of my life, water me with your love today that I may grow gently and steadily for your glory. Amen

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