Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Now is the time... To Wait Patiently

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Psalm 37:7 (NLT)

Since the spring we have many more kookaburras in our area. For my overseas readers, these are the native Australian birds with the funny call that sometimes sounds like laughing. It has been funny listening to the baby birds trying their voices out. Some very odd sounds come out at times which surely cause us to laugh.

One of the annoying things about kookaburras is that they seem to want to have the first word in the morning and the last word at night. I can cope with the night thing, it’s just the morning that is annoying and inconvenient because they usually try and beat the dawn and in summer that means they are shouting outside our window long before we are ready to rise for the day. The way I’ve learned to cope is to think “Oh good, I have another hour to sleep.” But this morning a thought came from the Holy Spirit that I need to share.

Many of us have been faithfully sharing God’s love with family, friends and neighbours over many years and we are still waiting for them to come into the Kingdom. We have tasted the new life in Christ, we know the peace that it brings, we know the joy of leaving our destructive ways behind and we know how much better it is to do things God’s way, and we want the same for those we care about.

That is not a bad thing at all, in fact it is what we are to work towards but sometimes we get impatient and think that the process is taking too long, so we try to help it along a bit more. In doing so we can become like the kookaburras; trying to wake people up before they are ready. People who do not know Christ are, in a way, sleeping. Their spirit is not awake to the spirit of God, and sometimes it’s not yet their time. Remember the writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything (Eccles. 3:1). The Apostle Paul said, “I planted, Apollos watered, God gave the increase.” (1 Corinthians 3:6). It is good to remember that others will water the seed we have planted, but it is God who will finally cause the plant to bear fruit.

Don’t become like the screeching kookaburras in your eagerness to see the increase. The person may not be ready to ‘wake up’ yet. God is faithful and he will bring forth fruit in its due time. In fact he is keener than you are to see that person in his Kingdom. Keep faithfully praying and loving and waiting expectantly for the Holy Spirit to bring the new life. It is your time to exercise the fruit of the Spirit – patience!

Dear Lord, forgive my impatience, I believe that you will answer my prayers for my loved ones, help me to wait patiently for them to come into your Kingdom of light. Amen

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