Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Now is the time ... To Re Focus

Turn my eyes from worthless things…. Psalm 119:37

Stepping into this new year I have found it necessary to do some re focussing in my life. Towards the end of the past year I became a bit out of kilter; my times with God were not what I wanted them to be, they became less frequent and not very deep. I became dissatisfied and spiritually dry. It was not a comfortable feeling but I am so thankful that God allowed me to feel that way because it made me ‘hungry and thirsty’ for His presence once again, and the reality of the truth that He alone can satisfy.

It is far too easy to get so focussed on things that need to be done around the home; things that are necessary and good, but I found that they became ‘bigger than Ben Hur’ and their importance became out of proportion to reality. The result was that I became burdened and discouraged. My eyes were focussed on worthless things (things that don’t last) and not on Jesus who is my friend forever.

Focussing on Jesus certainly takes time and determination because the enemy of our souls will give us any distraction to take our eyes off the One who brings perspective to our life and peace to our soul. My distractions were minor but perhaps yours are rather more pressing than mine were. Sickness, employment, housing, financial and family difficulties are certainly forces to be reckoned with but we can and should determine to put them in their rightful place with the help of the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 4:18 says ‘So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.’

Is it easy to take our focus off our troubles? No, it is not, but it is possible to make a choice not to allow them to occupy the biggest place in our thinking. So what should our focus be? The psalmist got it right when he wrote ‘Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your law.’ ( Psalm 119:18) because the word of God contains the promises of God and the wisdom of God to overcome every difficulty that life presents.

As we focus on Jesus and what he wants us to do, and as we read his word we receive encouragement and strength to cope with daily life. Focussing on our Saviour and his goodness, his strength, his promises, his faithfulness and his great love for us at the beginning of each day will give us the correct focus we need to walk confidently into each new day. No matter what is happening around us we will remember that this will not last forever, there will come a day when all our troubles will be over and we will dwell in eternity care free. In the meantime we face our day in the knowledge that he is our strength, protection, and our wisdom for today. Therein lies our peace.

Prayer: Dear Jesus help me determine today to bring my focus back to you, the one who is preparing me for eternity with you but also the one who can guide me successfully through this day. Amen

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