Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Now is the time.... To Be Refreshed

For I am like a tree whose roots reach the water, whose branches are refreshed with the dew. Job 29:19

Two hectic days after our return from a wonderful holiday with family in New Zealand, I sensed a sadness, a yearning in my heart and I recognised that it was a yearning for intimacy with my heavenly Father, my faithful Lord and forever Friend.

Holidays are great, but for me, I’m out of routine and that usually means I end up feeling spiritually dry. Yes I pray and read my Bible, I rejoice in God’s creation and his goodness as we travel in beautiful countryside, but I lose the intimacy that comes only from spending quality time in his presence. Relationship with God is really just like any other relationship; we need to spend time with people to really know them.

The added factor at this holiday season is the mad rush that precedes Christmas. We fly around buying gifts, mailing cards and shopping for too much food. There seems to come a drivenness that robs us of rest. Even when our bodies stop running our minds run on, thinking and rethinking all the details that need to be attended to…….tomorrow!

When this happens, then it is time to be refreshed by making a special effort to press into God’s presence by taking time to be with him. The wonderful thing is that he is patiently waiting for us to come to him, just like a parent of adult children waiting and looking forward to a visit from their kids.

Refreshing ourselves in His presence is so important to do, and to do regularly, but never more so than when we prepare to celebrate God’s wonderful gift to us of himself. We need the sense of quiet and rest that it brings in the midst of our busyness. I am so thankful for His peace that is restored to my soul as I sit in his presence this morning.

This verse from Job speaks of two types of refreshing – a tree with roots that reach down to the water and a refreshing from the dew. We do have roots that draw water constantly from God if we are rooted and grounded in Him. We need the dew also that will water our ‘leaves’. Dew doesn’t form when there is wind. The rushing too and fro is the wind that prevents the dew from settling and refreshing us. We need to stop and be still for this dew to come. Will you do that?

Prayer: Thank you my wonderful God that you want to refresh me and restore my soul again. Help me to make time in my daily busyness to be with you. Amen

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