Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Now is the time ...........To Listen

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27

I slept poorly, my mind racing over the details of my day, and rose early to share a coffee with Colin before he left for work. I then decided to try and recoup some of my lost sleep and returned to bed, 'perchance to dream' as someone once wrote! Too late! The birds were awake and busy about their morning chores in the trees outside my window; brightly coloured parrots screeching, miners chirping, magpies warbling, kookaburras laughing and crows cawing, (if that's what crows do). I lay there enjoying their different sounds, and as I did the Holy Spirit stirred in me the thought that now, indeed, is the time to listen....... to him.

Our days are filled with the sound of many voices, family, friends, phone, TV, radio, internet, even the voice of our own thoughts; but are we tuned in to the voice of the Holy Spirit, the voice of God or do the other voices drown him out? This is a question for each of us to answer for ourselves, but I know for me it is true that the other voices often, sadly, take precedence. As the apostle James wrote of mixed mouth messages, “my brothers (and sisters) this should not be so" (James 3:10). Now is the time to listen and obey, our lives could depend upon it; one day our eternal destiny will depend upon it.

Truly we cannot take our salvation lightly or for granted. It was costly for God to provide so great a salvation and we should regard it as the precious gift that it is. What does that have to do with listening you may ask. Jesus said very clearly states that he who hears and obeys his word is blessed (Luke 11:28). When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain the voice of God spoke to the disciples, "This is my son, listen to him." (Matthew 17:5) We need to hear him, but how do we do that?

We need first of all to read the word of God regularly. Romans 10:17 tells us that "faith comes by hearing the word of God". As we tune in to the Holy Spirit and as we feed our spirits on the word of God our faith will grow. We will understand God's ways and what he requires of us. We will begin to comprehend in greater measure the great grace that is available to us that will enable us to do all that he requires of us. To hear God's voice, we have to make time to listen to him. Can you come aside and do that today?

Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven please help me to set aside time in the busyness of each day to read your word and listen to you speaking to my heart. Amen

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