Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Facing the Fire

 Everywhere we look today, it is so easy to see people surrounded by trials, tribulation and tragedy.  We see displaced people suffering at borders, drowned trying to escape to a safer place, senseless murders, unexpected flash flooding, wars, hatred, distrust.  Closer to home I have friends with cancer, fighting for their lives, families divided, and some facing great financial hardship.  This is life and it's hard.

Jesus warned his followers that even they would not be immune from difficulty.  He said, "In the world you will have tribulation..." John 16:33.  This word tribulation can mean pressure, anguish, affliction, distress, persecution. All of us experience some of this at times, no life is trouble-free in this fallen world.

If you are facing the fire of tribulation or trials today, I have some words of comfort for you.  Also in John 16:33 Jesus said the words he had been speaking to his disciples in these hours leading up to his most pressing trial to encourage them.  He said, "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  Jesus suffered much in his few years on this earth and his greatest trial was about to happen, the fiery trial of beatings, mocking, scourging, culminating in a cruel crucifixion.  He knows about facing the fire because he's been in it and triumphed over it so that, eventually, we can dwell with him forever in a place where there are no tears or sadness, only peace, and joy.

This morning I was reading in Daniel 3 the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were Jewish boys in captivity in Babylon who refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar's huge statue when the appropriate music was played.  When challenged they were given a choice, bow or be thrown into the fire. Their response was, "If this is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O King.  BUT IF NOT, we will serve no other God, nor will we worship the golden image you have set up."

These young men believed God was able to deliver them from the fire and he did, BUT they first went through the fire and Jesus was seen walking with them in the fire. When the king saw the power of their God, he had them brought out of the fire.  The amazing thing was that not a hair of their head or their clothes were affected, and they did not even smell of smoke!! And, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged their God as the One to be feared.

Can you say with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that your God is able to deliver you but if not, you will still worship him?  Their trial did not make them angry or bitter or discouraged. Your fiery trial can be a place of closeness to God that you couldn't experience any other way. God will teach us lessons and refine us in every fire, if we just put our trust in Him, and in His faithfulness and love for us.

If you walk with Jesus through your fire you too can come through without 'smelling of the smoke' of bitterness, anger, disappointment and the other things that spoil our witness and trust in God.

Maybe you are not facing the fire right now but you know many who are, nearby, and across the world.  Pray for them, feel with them, give to them, that they might be strengthened and encouraged, that they might know the peace of God that passes all understanding in their trial.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, our faithful God, I praise and thank you for your love in never allowing your children to go through the fire alone.  You have promised to never leave us or forsake us, and so I ask today for your presence, your power and your grace to be with those who find themselves in any fire of affliction.  May they be comforted and strengthened by you as they trust in you.  I ask in the mighty name of Jesus Christ who died for us.  Amen

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