Monday, April 17, 2017

His Love

For God SO LOVED the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

Love took the lashing, the mocking, the blows
Love looked sad as the rooster crowed.
Love knew that flesh was weak within
Yet could stand strong and through prayer could win.

Love bore the crown of thorns, the pain
Love saw the end and bore the stain
Of sins not owned by His pure life
But sins of ours, and all our strife.

Love stood tall and strong that day
When all of His followers ran away.
Love took the nails, the pain of the cross
Love never failed, but died for the lost.

Love felt forsaken and cried out His woe
Yet honoured His mother standing below.
Love spoke to His friend, gave instruction to care
Love joined them as family their pain to bear.

Love never failed in its mission
         Love triumphed in death.
                   Hell could not hold Love!

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