Tuesday, September 20, 2016


“Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord GOD,“That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD."  Amos 8:11

Famine is a terrible thing.  Most of us will be familiar with the heart-wrenching pictures of starving children in foreign lands but that is the closest we may ever come to famine.  I think the closest I have seen in my small sphere would have been drought-affected cattle in Australia.  That too is a sad picture.

We are truly blessed to live in a land of abundance, but there may be a different kind of famine in our land.  I believe there is.  A famine because people are not experiencing the life-giving properties of hearing God's word.  In their comfortable lives they often do not realise that they are actually starving for something which is much more life-sustaining than food.  And it may not only be 'unchurched' people who are lacking this food.  Many Christians do not make God's word a regular part of their diet, and in neglecting it they miss out on much more than they realise.

Bible reading does not have to be difficult and dry.  There are so many readable versions available, a recent favourite of mine is The Passion Translation which is still a work in process but available in smaller parts as they are finished.  I was recently reading Psalm 19 in this translation in which King David overflows in praise to God's splendour seen in the universe.  He then goes on to praise God's Word which he says, "is perfect in every way, reviving our souls, leading us to truth, making us wise." (Vs 7).  He goes on.... "His teachings make us joyful and give us light, his commands challenge us to keep close to His heart .... and makes my spirit radiant!" (Vs 8). In verse 10 he continues..."The rarest treasures of life are found in His truth.  I prize God's word like others prize the finest gold.  Nothing brings such sweetness as seeking His living words."  He rounds this section off by saying, "For they warn His servants from following the wicked way, giving a lifetime guarantee: great success to every obedient soul!" (Vs 11).

As you read those inspired words are you challenged to look again for this kind of food that satisfies your innermost being and keeps it filled with eternal truth, hope, peace and joy?  It's worth it!  Not to do so is like having a banquet nearby and not partaking of it.  To neglect our spiritual food leaves our spirit looking like the photo above, parched and cracked, unable to give life-giving food to others.

Jesus, you said that you are the bread of life and the living word.  Help me to remember that you told us that it is by feeding on you only will we be satisfied.  Stir up a hunger in me for your Word.  Amen.

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