Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.  Luke 10:40

These days I sometimes think that 'distraction' is my middle name.  It's a funny thing but as one ages it seems so easy to get off track with many distractions.  Yesterday I found myself in the garage and wondered why I had gone there!  At the time I was in conversation with Col and he was about to leave (through the garage) and I had actually set out to go to the kitchen.  Oh well!  I start out to do a task and find myself distracted by something else and completely forget what I had set out to do.  I don't think 'my case' is serious or anything to be concerned about.  I just have to be extra intentional about what I do....and keep a sense of humour!

This past few weeks has been full of distractions (good ones), as family and friends have visited with us to celebrate our Golden Wedding anniversary and then we went on holiday in the beautiful Deep South of this wonderful New Zealand.  These distractions have kept me from writing which I feel it is important for me to do because I want to use the gift of words that God has blessed me with so that I can encourage others.

One Bible character that many of us can identify with is poor Martha in Luke 10.  I love to have visitors and I think Martha did too, except that she failed to take time in the moment to enjoy her special visitor, Jesus.  She allowed herself to become very distracted by her preparations and serving.  I can imagine the thoughts that rushed through her head which would have then led to the resentment which caused her to rush into the midst of the guests with an angry outburst.  Oh dear!  Why do we often think food is more important than spending time with people?

Jesus gently but clearly reminded Martha that her sister Mary, who was the object of Martha's resentment at that moment, had gotten her priorities right by sitting and listening to the Master.  There will always be distractions or interruptions to our spending time with God and people but when they come, let's take a quick check on which is the most important thing.  Let's not allow the busyness of our day to rob ourselves of time with God in His word and in prayer, and let's remember to make time for people too.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, just as you chided Martha to check her priorities, would you also remind me when I am rushed and hassled about worldly things, that the most important thing is to take time with you and with your Word which can never be taken away from me.  Amen

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