Tuesday, April 5, 2016


"...they all complained saying, "Look, this man has gone to eat with a man who is a sinner." Luke 19:7

An item in the news recently was of interest to us as reasonably new residents in NZ.  The Inland Revenue Department is considering making it compulsory to submit a tax return.  That's an interesting concept for we have mainly lived in countries where submitting a tax return was a requirement.  Colin had submitted one last year (which turned out to be to our benefit), and was surprised as how easy it is to do it online.

Anyway.....the point I am getting to is really that tax collectors have generally been unpopoular since early times.  In Palestine in Jesus' time they were doubly unpopular because 1) they were collecting taxes for the Romans who ruled over the land and 2) they were often cheats and took extra for themselves.  Such was Zaccheus, a man not blessed with height, but one who was so eager to see Jesus that he climbed a tree along the roadside to get a better view of him.  Never for a moment did he think that Jesus would see him and his life would be changed that day, but he was a man to whom salvation was on its way.

For those of us who have heard this story since Sunday School days and sung the song about him, we know that Jesus looked up and said, "Come Zaccheus, I'm coming to your house to eat!"  So accustomed as he was to rejection from his fellow man, that acceptance from this controversial man called Jesus took him by surprise and did something to Zaccheaus' heart.  He changed, gave half his money to the poor and committed to repay monies he had wrongfully taken - fourfold!  All the religious people outside could do was complain that Jesus could eat with a sinner.  Their attitude would ensure that they would receive nothing from Jesus.

It is so easy for some of us to have a wrong attitude towards people we don't agree with, especially those who have a reputation for doing the wrong thing.  Yet Jesus' attitude towards Zaccheaus shows us what can happen if we show God's love and acceptance to them.  Let's allow God's grace and unconditional love flow through us to the unlovely.  It may be that God is drawing them to himself and just needs a vessel to use.  Let's see potential for change in everyone and write no one off as beyond help.  God's unconditional love is life-changing.

PRAYER:  Lord, forgive me for the times I have neglected to see potential for good in people.  Help me to tune into your Spirit and allow your unconditional love flow through me to those who you are drawing to yourself.  Amen

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