Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Remember His marvellous works.....  1 Chronicles 16:12

One of the marvellous things that God does for us is to give us friends.  A few weeks ago our daughter Cathy had the pleasure of a visit from some wonderful friends from our past which raised some precious and grateful memories for us all.

When we left to serve the Lord in Papua New Guinea in 1977 we always knew that we would have the support of some, then, relatively new friends, Des and Brenda in Auckland.  They had opened their hearts and their home to us.  They also ended up storing some of our 'treasures' for many years. (It's funny to look back and wonder why you thought you might want some of those things again!)

Not only did Brenda faithfully distribute our  'Simmons Snippets' newsletters for the nine years we were in PNG; they also housed us during furlough and holidays, looked after our kids while we did meetings and generally blessed us with their friendship.  We are so thankful to God for the happy memories that we have of our friendship with them and thankful to them for their love and support.

Our last holiday in October and November  included visiting some friends from way back in our lives, some from pre PNG days and others from PNG days.  It reminded me of what a gift friendship is and how blessed we are when people take us into their hearts and homes.  It is truly a gift from God when our hearts are bound together in love, and so worth valuing.

I hope these words stir up for you thankful memories of friends that God has placed in your life, and may it remind us to be faithful to befriend others who God may bring across our path.  There are too many people in our world who need the gift of a friend.  It's something you and I can give.

Christmas is only '3 sleeps away' as I write this and I am reminded of the most wonderful Friend of all that God has given to us in Jesus Christ.  When we receive this special Gift , Jesus calls us His friend (John 15:15).  What an awesome thought it is to know that we are a friend of God.  The God who laid down his life for you and for me so that we might have the hope of 'forever life' with Him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of the many friends that you have given to me over the years.  Help me to remember them with a thankfulness that spurs me on to continue to offer the gift of friendship to others you place in my path.  Thank you most of all for the most amazing gift you gave in Jesus Christ.  May we be ever willing to share the great news of His friendship with our world.  Amen


Unknown said...

This brought tears to my eyes as I was reading this as you Jackie Simmons are a precious gift to me from the lord, His unconditional Love pours from both you and Col, your love and friendship the kind and caring things you do for not only me but many others is Amazing your unending support and encouragement and wise counsel, I am now FREE of so much that once tortured me, you will always be my spiritual mum even though you are now in another country, you are ALWAYS in my Heart ��
I have soooooooo much Love and Respect for you beautiful lady xoxo

Anonymous said...

We are both humbled by your comments Jackie, but you have been more than a "sister" to me & Colin a birthday brother to Des and been blessed abundantly by you and your family. God gives us gifts to use for him and loving others into our family is privelege.