Tuesday, September 2, 2014


It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.  Psalm 127:2

So is this good news for those who want to sit back, put their feet up and do nothing?  No, that wouldn't be very satisfying at all, would it!  I think the key word I picked up on as I read this verse today was "anxiously".  Jesus enlarged on this in Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 

So far as I know birds are not known for their anxiety, they just flit around and have fun.  They are totally care-free.  I haven't seen one sitting forlornly in a tree with droopy wings or singing a mournful song.  The thought is ridiculous to us.  The Father takes care of their needs. Isn't it interesting that Jesus compared us with birds, saying that we are of far more value than them, yet our Father in heaven supplies them with their daily needs so why would he not do the same for us.  Good question!  He didn't leave it at the provision of food bit.  He went on to speak about God clothing the lilies of the field and how he would do the same for us.

Remember Martha of the 'Mary, Martha and Lazarus family'?  Martha worked anxiously to provide food for Jesus and the guests (that would be me too), yet Mary sat at his feet and savoured his teaching and wisdom.  Martha was spiritual too but she was concerned more for the earthly needs of the people in her home than she was for their spiritual needs.  Jesus gently reminded her "Martha, Martha, you are concerned about the wrong thing.  My words are better than food." (My paraphrase.)

 If we feed our spirit, and develop an intimate and trusting relationship with Jesus, it will naturally follow that our anxiety level will decrease because we will be learning to trust more in him than in ourselves and our own ability to do the work and provide for our own needs.

Do you have a financial need today that you see is impossible for you to meet.  Will you invite your heavenly Father to help you to refocus your life and thinking on Him so that He may show himself mighty on your behalf. It's much more of an adventure that way, but you will find it enormously difficult, if not impossible, if you try to do it without being in vital relationship with him which brings rest from anxiety.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive my anxiety. Please help me to focus more on my spiritual needs so that I truly walk in a trusting relationship with you so that you can show yourself mighty on my behalf. Amen

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