Thursday, June 19, 2014

Confidence - 2

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, …………. being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ…. Philippians 1:6

It is so good that we can have confidence in our great and wonderful God to complete His work in us, and to fulfil His purposes for us.  When we entrust our lives to Hi it's not about my wisdom or purposes, it's all about His.

I woke very early one morning thinking that it is 5months since I wrote or posted a Daydrops.  I knew my previous one had been labelled Confidence - 1, so I really needed to continue to #2.  I have had these thoughts before during these past months but have been very distracted with big changes in our life.

In August last year during a trip to visit our siblings in New Zealand, it seemed that God resurrected a desire we had loosely toyed with a couple of years before to return to NZ in our retirement.  We deposited on a lovely retirement villa in Nelson where my sister and her husband had moved to and things moved rather more quickly than we expected.  They poured the slab mid December and we were advised that building completion date was end of March....which, amazingly enough in the building world, happened.

So  in January we began a process of selling our house and a good bit of our furniture, arranging removal in late March, then relocating to a furnished unit for our last 3 months in Australia; time for Colin to finish work at the end of June.  We arrived in NZ early May to take occupancy of our villa and unpack our shipment.

It was an amazingly peace-filled process as we have constantly committed our way to God and trusted Him to lead and guide us through.  It has shown me again that I can have total confidence that when He leads and we follow, He will take care of the details.  I am reminded also of one of my favourite life verses, Psalm 37:5 which says Commit your way to The Lord, trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass. And another is Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in The Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. 

In mid July we will take up residence in Nelson and I hope to focus more on writing.  I am trusting Him to may my way straight.

Prayer:  Dear Lord,  thank you that you order our steps as we confidently place ourselves into your hands.  Your faithfulness to us, like your mercy, is new every morning.  Amen

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