Monday, January 28, 2013

Foundations - 1

Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. Matthew 7:24-25

As this goes to my blog we are being beaten about by winds and heavy rain, though not so heavy as many north of us have experienced in the wake of a serious weather system.  Again the Lockyer Valley out of Brisbane is under serious flood watch as are other areas that were inundated just a couple of years ago.  The conditions remind us again of the necessity of building upon substantial foundations.  When we first came to Australia in 1986 we were looking to buy a house in Maitland which was flooded in the 1950's.  People told us not to buy anything on the floodplain and we didn't, but we notice that areas that were not allowed to be on then because they were considered floodplain, now have houses.  We can only hope they will not be sorry later.

When a large building is being constructed these days it seems to take forever before we see anything appearing above the ground.  The foundational work is very important to the longevity and safety of the building.  This is what Jesus was speaking about in these verses; the importance of getting the foundations right. But he was referring to the foundations of our life.

The foundation that needs to be developed is our belief system.  What we believe about God and what He says about us and life.  This does not happen overnight.  Our building block is the Bible, God's word.  Reading it and allowing it to become part of our life is vital to having a strong foundation.  We need to build our life upon God's word by obeying the principles it portrays.  We have to continue to allow God's word to guide and convict us daily.  It becomes our plumbline, keeping us on a good and safe track.  We ignore it to our own detriment. 

To obey God's word is to walk in the fear of the Lord and to honour Him.  Not that we are afraid of Him, for He is our loving, compassionate, kind and merciful Father, quick to forgive (Exodus 34:6-7).  Today I notice the lack of respect that many (fortunately not all) young people have for their elders.  It shows up in so many ugly ways.  Disobedience to parents was one of the marks of the 'last days' that Paul wrote about to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:2. 

However, it is just as possible for Christians to be disobedient toward their Heavenly Father, and think nothing of it.  I'll leave you to pause and think about that!  Are there ways that your foundation is shakey because you are not building well upon the truth of God's word?  Sometimes God's ways can feel uncomfortable to us.  We want to do it our way or the 'easy' way.  But often when we try to do it the easy way, we find out the hard way!

Prayer:  Father God, open my eyes to see when I walk in ways that will erode the good and strong foundation that you want me to have in my life.  Help me to stand firmly upon your word and so experience the fullness of life you want and have planned for me.  Amen

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