Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Refreshing that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. Acts 3:19

Recently we have had some much needed rain, albeit it came on a weekend we were away in the caravan for a fly-in. However, Paul and Dan and friends did managed to fly into the valley through the patchy showers and happily, the second day was fine.  This morning when Colin opened the blinds on a beautiful morning he commented that it was so nice to see the garden looking fresh and green instead of tired and dry. So it is.

It caused me to think about the times we run on empty in the busyness of life.  Too often I am guilty of this.  The tasks on my agenda cry out to me and I plunge into the day with a quick prayer and Bible reading which sadly, too often, is soon forgotten.

If we want real refreshing we have to be willing to change our method and give ourselves time in God's presence just soaking up his love, getting our tank filled.  We will need to do as Peter told his listeners "Repent and be converted" in other words, change the way we do things. Repent of our sin of rushing into our day without drawing near to Him who loves us unconditionally, the One who has our best interests always on His mind.  He wants to restore our soul, refresh and revitalise us so that we go out with joy in the confidence that we are loved, encouraged, strengthened and empowered for whatever the day may bring.  It doesn't have to be a long time but it must be quality time where we allow our heart to touch His heart.  He is like a lover waiting for his beloved to come into his arms.

Will you take time today in His presence, coming boldly to His throne of grace to find mercy and refreshing? Just let Him love on you, and love Him right back.  It will be worth it!  You will then go into your day all fuelled up and ready for the journey and the challenges that may come.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Lover of my soul, please help me to give myself the gift of time in your presence at the start of each day so that refreshing may come to me. Amen


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jackie. This message is very timely for me and exactly what I needed to hear! Love Linda