Friday, July 2, 2010

Now is the time..... To Worship

……Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2

Recently there has been a lot going on around me which has taken a toll on my emotions and left me feeling quite fragile. Although I seemed to be doing a lot of talking to the Lord, I wasn’t feeling strengthened and refreshed. One afternoon the thought came to me “Just worship”. So I put on my favourite worship music, lay face down and just worshipped the Lord. I just soaked in the presence of Jesus – my strength and my redeemer, my glory and the lifter of my head (Psalm 3:3). During that time my peace was restored, the feeling of fragility left and I came away strengthened and refreshed. There is great healing for our emotions in the presence of the Lord.

Tonight as I write I am sitting beside our dying friend. We think this may be his last night. He cannot really communicate any more but as I read verses from the psalms earlier on, he tried to communicate agreement over the greatness and faithfulness of God. When I stopped reading, thinking he may want a rest from my voice, he became agitated. He turned his head and looked at me through almost vacant eyes. I asked him if he wanted me to read some more and he managed what passed for a ‘yes’. I continued to read and I could tell that he was trying to agree with the truth of the scriptures. We were worshipping the Lord through reading His word and reminding ourselves of God’s goodness and wonderful ways.

There are many ways we can worship the Lord. Another is by walking in his ways, being guided by the wisdom he has given us in His word. This brings great peace and harmony to our life, not to mention the blessing of knowing He is pleased with us.

We were made to worship our God; the need to worship is part of our DNA and without it we lack something very significant in our lives, something that keeps us strengthened and refreshed. I am reminded tonight of the short span of time we have on this earth, not much time to worship our God and make His love and goodness known in the earth. Why not do yourself a favour today – find a way to worship the Lord our God who is worthy to be praised. You will reap a beautiful benefit and your Father in heaven will be pleased.

Prayer: Wonderful and loving God, I praise you and thank you for my life. I thank you that I have life and breath to praise and worship your name. Help me to daily draw my strength from you. Amen

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