Sunday, August 9, 2009

Now is the time... To Be Pruned

…..every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. John 15:2

The view from our loft bedroom’s dormer window looks out to the generously wooded French countryside and the ridge of a forest in the distance. The open double-glazed window allows the birdsong to drift in – along with the muffled barking of dogs on the neighbouring farm.

What has really taken my attention though, is the Deodara Cedar tree a few metres away from the window. I can only see the topmost branches but they look rather like a ragged, lopsided, multi-armed scarecrow leaning forward and waving in the gentle breeze. This is not the type of tree to be pruned and its “Raggedy Ann” appearance has a certain appeal to the creative side of my nature. However, the other part of me that likes uniformity would not want to plant this tree in my own garden. Hence thoughts of pruning come to mind!

There is a time for pruning in our lives and then the Master Gardener comes to trim or even to do a major cutting back, whatever is required at that time. In the garden the time for pruning is when the fruit bearing or flowering is over; when the sap stops flowing in the trees and the flowers have all died. This is the time of dormancy or rest for the plant; time when it recovers from the energetic activity of the season past and prepares for the season to come.

In my life I have experienced many times of pruning and they have often felt uncomfortable until I learned to recognise their purpose and to understand that these times of rest and recovery do not mean that God has no further need or use for me, but rather he is preparing me for the next season of fruitfulness. In John 15:2 it says that he prunes every branch that bears fruit that it may bear more fruit.

Perhaps you are in such a season right now, wondering if your usefulness is finished. No, my friend, so long as you walk this earth God will have his purpose for your life as you give yourself to him each day. It may be to minister to a friend, a neighbour, family or stranger, or it may be to minister only to the Lover of your soul. The latter often gets overlooked in the busyness of life. To spend time in his presence is the most precious thing we can do for God, and is so necessary for restoration of our soul. Use your pruning time to draw near to Him.

Prayer: Lord God, lover of my soul, I give myself to you this day to do with me as you will. Help me to be content with doing as much or as little as you allow this day. Amen

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