Monday, September 15, 2014

It's My Choice

......and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9b

In our crazy, fast-paced, and increasingly dysfunctional world, the word of  God continues to provide solid guidelines for healthy living.  For this I am so thankful.

For many years I have referred to a few verses in Philippians 4 as 'The Recipe for Mental Health', and today I feel the need to remind myself (and you), of this again. As the news and social media provide an abundance of serious, sad and negative words and images to fill our minds and thoughts, I find myself needing to combat this by renewing my mind with what God teaches is the recipe for true peace of mind.

It is too easy to be caught in a negative thought trap, so today I simply offer you a recipe that, if followed, will bring peace in these troubled times.  For if my heart and mind is tuned into union with Jesus Christ, I will know more clearly what His will is for me TODAY. And today is all he tells me to be concerned with.  Burying my head in the sand?  No, I choose to focus on the greater reality that he is in control and he is coming again and what he wants from me in a trusting relationship.

"...... whatever things are true, whatever is noble,  just, pure, lovely and whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. ......and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9. That is a promise!

So, I sit and survey the bright splashes of colour of the pansies on my patio, a fading half moon the blue morning sky, fluffy clouds, new leaves bursting on the tree outside,  and a seagull soaring through the scene.  I feel His peace rise and my heart is filled with thanks and praise.

Prayer:  Father thank you for the beauty on my doorstep and the wisdom of your word.  Help me to set my mind on what will bring true peace today. Amen

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