Thursday, January 23, 2014

Confidence - 1

In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. Isaiah 30:15

Confidence or a lack of confidence will affect every area of one's life.  It can make or break a deal, a job opportunity or more importantly, be the thing that determines whether or not you succeed in life. The important thing though is the foundation of our confidence; whether it is our own ability or in Jesus, and the ability He gives us to do the job, and being confident that His desire is to see us succeed. 

As we have lived in different nations and I have observed cultural differences it has been interesting to see that some cultures are just better at instilling confidence in their children than others other. Be that as it may, as Christians we have our own culture but it is definitely one to be learned.

I have noticed that the trend in the workplace these days is to "talk yourself up"; make the prospective employer think that you are the best thing since sliced bread! Your performance at the interview is likely to get you the job (or not).  Some Christians even think they have to do that, but the apostle Paul is our great example of one who, although greatly qualified by birth, education and zeal for God, said that he put no confidence in all that (Philippians 3). It is not about where we come from and how much we know,  it is about knowing that "in my flesh there is really nothing good" (Rom:7:18) so I shouldn't be surprised when I make mistakes and disappoint myself. 

Our confidence should rest alone in the truth that through faith in Jesus Christ the righteousness of God is ours (2 Cor 5:21). The Mirror Bible puts it this way "He took our sorrows, our pain, our shame to his grave and birthed his righteousness in us.  He took our sins and we became his innocence."  That is surely worth a second thought.

Today will you choose to be at peace, resting in the confidence that the work is done?  Jesus did it!  You don't have to perform or measure up, Jesus finished all that.  Just relax, let your anxieties go and thank Him that His plans are good, to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  Enjoy your acceptance in the Beloved (Ephes 1:6).

Heavenly Father, thank you for your great plan of salvation.  That you freed us from the slavery of performing to 'get it right'.  Thank you that I am accepted because of Jesus' work and not my own. Help me to think on that and rest confidently in that from this day forward.  Amen

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