Sunday, October 13, 2013

Trust - 8

"Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 1:3 

Our friends in the USA are celebrating their wedding anniversary this weekend and to do that they have returned to the city where they were married 45 years ago.  The picture above is one of their memories that she shared.  For a marriage to last this long and this well there has to be trust.

Every successful relationship has to be based on faithfulness and trust. Sometimes trust is broken because we are weak; but if we are truly sorry and repent, trust can, and should, be restored.  God himself sets the ultimate example for this in sending Jesus to die for our sins so that we could be forgiven and our  relationship with him could be restored. 

When we have known the goodness of our wonderful God and we walk away, we actually feel the separation.  Something is missing, the vibrancy, the reassurance if his love, the joy and peace that being in fellowship with him brings. Our spirit actually misses our God relationship, just like we would miss a spouse or a friend. 

The first step is in returning (repentance).  God promises that if his people return to him then he will return to them.  What brings anyone back to a relationship?  It is a deep love for that person. It is love that draws us back.  In the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15), we are given a beautiful example of how the father waits for the son to return.  He doesn't chase him, he just waits day after day, year after year until one day the son returns, repentant and willing now just to be his father's servant.  The father's arms are open and he throws a party, not for the new servant but for the restoration of his son.  That is what God does when we return to him, he is thrilled and overflows with love for us.  There is no judgment, just forgiveness and grace, grace, grace.
Often the problem in our returning is that we judge ourselves so we cannot fully embrace the forgiveness that is given.  It is vital that we forgive ourselves or we will become paralysed and not able to move on.  At best we will become stunted.  Trust and humility are involved in forgiving ourselves.  Trust in God's absolute faithfulness to us to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wrong doing (1 John 1:9); but  humility to accept that we are weak, flawed human flesh and do not deserve forgiveness.   If we don't forgive ourselves, then Jesus' death on the cross for our sin was for nothing. 

Don't allow yourself to become paralysed and powerless in the kingdom of God.  Trust in his forgiveness and love, forgive yourself, drop the shame at the foot of the cross where it belongs, then get up and do your part in his work.  You are precious and your gifts are needed.  You have experienced his love in your weakness, you have a testimony. For Jesus' sake, move on.  It's not about you, it's all about Him and His great mercy. 

Prayer:  Loving Father, if there is anything that is paralysing me; if there is anything I have not truly forgiven myself for, would you please show me and help me to fully receive your forgiveness so that I may know your peace and restoration and be fruitful in your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

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