A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9
In our fast changing world it seems that nothing is certain anymore. We can so easily feel insecure and unsafe. We make our plans, and so we should, but in the end we do not have the final say of how things will work out. Colin and I decided earlier this year that he would retire mid 2014 and we would return to our roots. We have deposited on a retirement villa in Nelson, New Zealand very near my sister.
Yes, we have made a decision and put our home on the market and are working towards our desired end, yet always keeping in mind this verse above, that though we make our plans, in the end it is the Lord who directs our steps. We are happy to leave it in His hands knowing and trusting His wisdom. We can do that because we have experienced His faithfulness and His ordering of our ways in all of our life. This morning I thought of His wonderful ordering of lives in days gone by, and the LIFE that we celebrate this Christmas season.
Out of eternity God moved upon one woman to birth His age-old plan for our world. Out of eternity God stirred the heart of one Roman governor to call a census in the foreign land he ruled; a census that would move His plan for that woman's child to be brought to the place of birth prophesied so long ago - Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). A busy, overcrowded town full of visitors for the census. A stable, a cattle trough, no nice furniture - not much of a place for Greatness to be birthed, but it was!
On a hillside shepherds had their evening conversation dramatically interrupted by a glorious heavenly chorus they would long speak of with wonder. The birth, not announced to a waiting crowd outside palace gates, but to humble shepherds alone on a hillside. And wise men watching for signs in the heavens were led from a far off land to worship this King.
Thirty years pass, shrouded mostly in silence; a growing, learning time, a training for reigning time. This King was to experience what it was like to be part of a family, to learn a trade, to grieve the loss of His earthly dad, take responsibility for His mother. All the time knowing that there was a master plan; and waiting patiently for that time to be revealed.
Then three short but highly significant, world-changing years came. God living among mankind, not a conquering hero but a servant of love with a message of life. Then, from what appeared to be shame, defeat and failure was born the greatest victory - victory over sin, death and the grave. His plan fulfilled - peace and relationship restored between God and man. Sins forgiven, hope restored.
God was in it all and His purposes continue to be worked out through insignificant lives today because He came that dark night long ago and shone His light into our world, a light which overcame the darkness of centuries in a moment of time. A light and hope that we can choose to live in.
Today God continues to move, unseen by most, but those who look, expect and hope, will see and partner in His plan, a plan that will bring His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Each of us has a part to play in His scheme of things that is important, no matter how great or small our part. Come let us worship and bow down again before our amazing Lord Jesus Christ, God made flesh, and in His presence find our purpose refreshed for the coming year. He is still moving in eternity, to accomplish His grand plan of which you are a part. In Him we live and move and have our being. Hallelujah!
God bless you this Christmas and may He find room in your heart for that is where He wants to make His home and fulfill His plan.
Prayer: Great and wonderful God, thank you for your amazing plan which you have included me in. Come fill me afresh with the wonder of your plan and enable me to trust that you are directing my steps to fulfil your purposes and plans for me. Amen.