Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad. Proverbs 12:25 NLT
Depression is almost endemic in today’s world, certainly it is in Australia. Well known personalities in the media and sporting worlds are bravely sharing their battles with this horrible malady hoping to help others recognise and acknowledge their own problem with depression so they can go on to seek help and support.
Some of the lies that the depressed person believes is that they can’t share their struggles because; a) no one will understand, b) no one can really help and c) no one really cares anyway. Perhaps underlying the thinking there also lurks another lie, d) I’m not worth their trouble. From somewhere in the distant past I remember a ‘proverb’, though I don’t think it is a Biblical one, that misery loves company. Perhaps the negative, complaining person likes someone to complain to but the miserable, depressed person usually prefers to be alone, hiding away in the darkness of their own world, focusing on little other than their plight.
The Bible is such a practical book, so true and timeless. How can a book written so long ago be so relevant for today? Because it was authored by our Maker, the one who knows the heart and mind of his creation intimately. He understands the pressures of life in a sinful world, a world full of troubles that bring anxiety which leads to depression. But God has answers for us in his word.
I had a mother who suffered from severe depression from the time I was about 12. Sometimes she would lay in bed and ask me to read the Bible to her. I wasn’t very skilful in choosing passages to read but what I read seemed to afford her some comfort. These days there are Bibles which list verses for various life situations, ones that will encourage and build up. The Bible is full of them. They are truly an antidote for depression as our verse today says. When Jeremiah was depressed and anxious because of his persecutors he said “Your words are what sustain me. They bring me great joy and are my heart's delight…..(Jer. 15:16 NLT).
There is power in God’s word to sustain us in times of anxiety. We don’t need, nor should we allow anxiety to continue long enough in our life to become depression. I believe that is why the apostle Paul admonished, ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God….. then the peace of God which passes understanding will keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of God. (Philippians 4:6-7). Your heavenly Father cares for you and he has the power to keep you in every situation that arises. Trust in him.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your word which holds great wisdom and encouragement for me. Help me to receive the truth of your word into my life and walk in faith at all times. Amen
Philippians 4:6-7
One of my all time favourite verses. Has been a real encourager and faith builder in tough times.
Thanks Jackie for your always good word.
Hi Jackie,
Have finally caught up on the numerous "Daydrops" I missed reading over the last little while. Had been told about this one & found it particularly good, & also revealing!
Keep writing!
Love, Hanz.
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