At the moment I am reading a very interesting story, a novel, called “The Shack” by William P Young, a book which is unusual in the way it portrays the central character Mack’s encounter with the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was one incident in the book that sparked my thoughts for this devotional….
Mack suddenly hears a loud crash from the kitchen where Papa (God) is preparing the evening meal. There is silence for a moment then peals of laughter from the ‘three’. Mack observes as Jesus goes for a bowl of water to clean up the mess. In the process Mack sees the loving interaction of the threesome as they laugh and clean their way through the mess.
I remembered with some sadness how many times I have gotten angry with the children (and my dear husband) over the years when they made a mess. I have been equally, if not more, angry with myself when I have had a spill of some sort. Happily I can say that more recently I have learned (mostly) to take things more in my stride, and sometimes even manage to laugh about them. It’s much more pleasant for all concerned if an accident doesn’t become a time of shame and blame even to yourself.
The example of household spills is a very simple one, but for me, learning to laugh at my mishaps and my own mistakes has been a huge growth in grace. I have found that when I learned to extend grace to myself, then it was much easier to extend it to others. Oh that I had learned it earlier in life and so saved my loved ones a lot of pain! The old adage “It’s no use crying over spilt milk” is a good one. Why waste time crying when laughter will help us (and others) heal.
I remember a Sunday School song we used to sing, “With Christ in my vessel I can smile (read laugh) at the storm.” Why is that? I think it’s because Jesus gives us perspective and grace, and his presence evokes faith in us to know that no matter what comes our way, we will be okay if we allow him to take control of the things that concern us.
The Bible tells us that a merry heart does good like medicine (Proverbs 17:22). I think we can never have enough of that medicine. Next time a challenge comes into your life, instead of getting angry, anxious, worried or fearful, just remember that Jesus is with you and with him you can smile at the ‘storm’.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please come and fill me again with the joy of your presence and the peace that will carry me through every storm of life. Help me also to laugh at my messes with you. Amen
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