…but they did not heed Moses because of anguish of spirit and cruel bondage. Exodus 6:9
The Israelites had been in tremendous bondage in Egypt, oppressed and enslaved, their cries had reached God (Exodus 6:5) and he had a plan for their deliverance. Moses was minding his business, and the sheep, out in the countryside far from Egypt when suddenly a bush bursts into flame and a voice speaks from the bush…..forever changing his life.
God was in the bush and he shared with Moses his plan – Moses had been chosen to go lead the Israelites out of their cruel bondage. It would be done under God’s guidance, direction and protection. Moses was not at all happy about the task God had set for him and tried desperately to wriggle out of it. If he’d known just how difficult it would be he probably would have run fast in the opposite direction as Jonah later did.
However God did convince Moses that he was the man for the job so Moses duly presents himself to the Israelites with this wonderful message of promised deliverance and restoration of their own promised land. But there was a problem; scripture tells us that they didn’t listen to Moses because of the anguish of their spirit and the cruel bondage they were under. They couldn’t hear the sound of hope that he brought to them.
All around us people are in anguish of spirit and under the bondage of Satan in fear, worry, anger, depression, hopelessness, sickness and much much more. We have been given a message of hope and deliverance to speak to them and we need to pass it on. We have good news – Jesus the deliverer has come to set them free, heal them and give them hope. They may not at first hear us because of their pain but we need to demonstrate God’s powerful love to them, keep listening to God, and, as Moses did, go on to be obedient to his further instructions. It may be that we need to minister love to them, acceptance, practical help or healing prayer, but through it all we should pray that their ears will be opened to receive the truth, and that their hearts are attuned to the deeper need of their spirit. Pray that faith will come to them and that they experience a peace previously unknown as you pray for them.
Because people don’t hear or heed the message doesn’t excuse us from speaking it to them. Watch for your opportunities.
Prayer: Faithful Father, make me watchful and prayerful for opportunities to share your message of deliverance and hope with those who need to hear it. Give me a love for the lost that will make me passionate for this hurting world. Amen