Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. Philippians 2:4
This morning as I spent time with God at the lake, I enjoyed the view and the busy chatter of many different birds. Later I moved just a few yards further along the lake edge to take advantage of some shade and was interested to note that the view had changed. Even though it was only a slight change along the curve of the shore, it was actually a prettier view with different things including. Also the jetty and the settlement of Nords Wharf came into clearer focus.
Life is sometimes like that. We need to change our perspective in order to get a better view of a circumstance or situation. I remember an incident many years ago when we were living in close quarters on a mission compound in Papua New Guinea. A situation arose concerning ours and the neighbour’s children, something that had happened on the school bus I think. In my mind the other mother, was being far too sensitive and protective of her children. She blamed my children for something I was sure they hadn’t done (but perhaps they had!).
When I went to bed that night I was ‘stewing’ about the incident and turned to my evening Bible passage, Philippians 2:4. “There you are!” I said to my husband, “That’s the whole problem; she never thinks her kids are wrong, she should care about others too.” My anger had twisted my perspective on God’s word. I can’t explain how I got such a meaning out of that verse, but I did and my anger felt justified and I fell asleep – feeling very self righteous.
Next morning I awoke and went for the verse again. Wham, bam, it hit me like a rock. Suddenly God was speaking that verse to me and I heard the words, “The ball’s in your court.” Oh dear. God had totally turned the tables on me. I saw that I was equally guilty of being concerned about my own ‘things’. I needed to humble my heart and repent of my anger. It didn’t even matter who was right or wrong. God wanted me to forgive and love.
The day before I had felt cornered and defensive; God had graciously allowed me to see that he was on my side as I read his word the night before, but in the light of day, and feeling more secure, he led me to a place of humility that was more pleasing to him than my being “right”.
We are often reminded about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes before we pass judgment on them. That is so true. Things look so much different when we try to put ourselves in another’s place. Do you need a change of perspective today? Don’t let the enemy keep you angry, bitter or needing to be ‘right’. It keeps you locked in your own prison. Forgiveness and understanding bring release and joy, because that’s God’s way of peace.
Prayer: Dear Father, please help me to have a humble and forgiving heart when things don’t go my way. Amen
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