“…if you indeed cry out for insight, and raise your voice for understanding; if you seek it like silver, and search for it as for hidden treasures-- then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.” Proverbs 2:3-5
Where we live we often see the famous Australian bird, the Kookaburra around. Recently one posed for us on the electricity box outside our home. As I look at them I am struck by the long, strong, sturdy beak which fits right in with its stocky body. In God’s creation everything has its purpose and the Kookaburra’s strong beak is for digging deep into the ground for worms and bugs. His beak is a very effective hole-digger and that’s how he feeds himself.
In our western world most of us don’t have to go out and dig for our daily food. I thank the Lord for that! I do enjoy picking fresh lettuce leaves and herbs from the pots at my back door though. However we do need spiritual food and for that we must dig deep into God’s word. Yes, we can have a quick little read of the Word during our day but to set aside some time to dig deeper into God’s word either in your own personal time with God or by attending a Bible study is very important for your spiritual growth and understanding.
Just as a person can’t live healthily on one meal a week, neither can we increase our spiritual growth by just hearing a sermon at church once a week. I have heard people complain about ‘not being fed’ in their church. If that is the case, it’s all the more reason for us to learn how to feed ourselves. We have a whole Bible to dig into and explore, we have the Holy Spirit who is our helper to give us revelation and understanding if we just ask, and we have Christian books, online Christian broadcasts not to mention early morning TV broadcasts. We have absolutely no excuse (aside from apathy and laziness), not to grow and mature in our Christian life.
God’s word encourages us to ‘grow up in him in all things’ (Ephesians 4:15). It also encourages us to desire the ‘sincere milk’ of God’s word in order that we may grow (1Peter 2:2). God doesn’t ask us to do the impossible, just what is reasonable and right and good for us. I challenge you to start digging!
Prayer: Father God, help me to desire your word as my spiritual food and to make the time to dig deep into your word so that I might grow in my faith and understanding of you. Amen
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