……. having tightened the belt of truth around your loins… Ephesians 6:14(Amplified)
Today I watched a professional window cleaner working and I was interested to see that he wore a belt as part of his ‘tools of trade’. In his belt at the back were tucked a wad of clean rags, extra mop heads and sponges and his mobile phone – a necessity for a man on the move without an office. That belt needed to be firmly fastened so that he lost none of his accoutrements.
In this passage the apostle Paul is writing to instruct believers on how to stand against the attacks of our enemy, Satan. He is telling us how to put on spiritual armour to fight a spiritual battle. He likens that armour to the armour of a Roman soldier of his time. The belt the soldiers wore was one that held other parts of the armour together and perhaps some of his weaponry, certainly his sword. This belt needed to be tight in order to keep other pieces in place.
For us to keep our lives on track and in order, we have to ‘tighten’ our belt of truth which is our understanding and knowledge of God’s word which is truth. How do we do this? We make time each day to read God’s word to gain understanding of his ways and his will. It should become the foundation for how we live our lives once we become believers. It becomes our map for life.
Why is God’s word so important? It is important because it contains the wisdom of God for us, his creation. I call it the ‘Manufacturer’s Handbook’. God made us and he knows how life will work best for us. He’s given us directions to follow that will keep us safe, happy and fulfilled if we will but follow them.
His word becomes a rock-like foundation upon which we can build the structure of our life and we can be sure that it will then help us to stand strong. It doesn’t mean that life will be without challenge and difficulties, but God’s truth will bring encouragement and guidance to us during the tough times, and bring us safely through. God’s word is our encouragement when we are discouraged, our comfort when we are sad, our strength when we are weak, our wisdom when we are floundering, and our direction when we are undecided. We cannot live well without it. It is to become our strong foundation.
Has your belt of truth stretched or slipped lately? Are you reading the word regularly and putting it into action in your life? If not then today is a good time to get back on the job and tighten your belt.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for your word which is my guide through life. Help me to hide it in my heart daily and walk in its truth. Amen
Monday, August 25, 2008
Now is the time for battle……
Now is the time for battle……
Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes…. Ephesians 6:10-12
These days it is rare to hear a news broadcast that doesn’t tell of war, a court battle, or a domestic fight somewhere. Some wars go on for years but there is one war that has been going on since the beginning of time. That is the war between God and Satan, a war between good and evil. Satan has forever been out to destroy what God has created. It started in the Garden of Eden and continues to this present day. This war is in the spiritual realm.
Years ago I had a discussion with a church-going relative who did not believe there was a devil but Jesus certainly believed in him. He referred to Satan as ‘the prince of this world’ (John 12:31), and so he is. Jesus did battle with him in the wilderness right after he was baptized. You would do well to re-read that story and note how Jesus handled Satan’s attack on him (Matthew 4).
These days it is rare to hear a news broadcast that doesn’t tell of war, a court battle, or a domestic fight somewhere. Some wars go on for years but there is one war that has been going on since the beginning of time. That is the war between God and Satan, a war between good and evil. Satan has forever been out to destroy what God has created. It started in the Garden of Eden and continues to this present day. This war is in the spiritual realm.
Years ago I had a discussion with a church-going relative who did not believe there was a devil but Jesus certainly believed in him. He referred to Satan as ‘the prince of this world’ (John 12:31), and so he is. Jesus did battle with him in the wilderness right after he was baptized. You would do well to re-read that story and note how Jesus handled Satan’s attack on him (Matthew 4).
Anyone who has not come under the lordship of Jesus Christ is by default under Satan’s lordship. A scary thought, isn’t it. Satan can do what he likes with them and use them for his purposes. Trouble comes when we change our allegiance from Satan to Jesus Christ. That is when we stir up his anger and his real nature is revealed. Satan’s nature is to ‘steal, kill and destroy’ (John 10:10) so his aim regarding believers becomes the prevention of God’s goodness being seen and experienced in our lives.
In Ephesians 6 Paul warns that we need to prepare to fight, and then he goes on to tell us how to prepare for battle with our enemy. This is no ordinary war, it is a spiritual war. Our battle is not against flesh and blood (vs 12), but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. To westerners this may sound strange because we have not been attuned to believing in a spirit world, however many other cultures are very aware of spiritual activity and so find it much easier to believe in another realm outside of the natural or physical realm. We’d better believe it because it is there and very real!
Natural weapons are no good for this fight, so Paul goes on to teach us about our spiritual weapons. First he tells us to ‘be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power’. We need to put on ‘the whole armour which God supplies’ (vs 11), ‘so that we can take our stand against the schemes of the devil.’
It is important for us to recognise that there is a fight going on to undermine our walk with God. The devil schemes to discourage us, to disappoint us, to make us sick, to make us sin…. anything to make us feel ashamed, bitter or angry – whatever will make us turn away from God who loves us and wants to do us good all the days of our life. Learn to recognise the enemy’s work in the things that happen to you and learn how to fight in God’s strength.
Prayer: Thank you Lord that you have given me spiritual armour and spiritual weapons with which to fight against the plans of the enemy. Help me to learn to use them well. Amen
Monday, August 18, 2008
Now is the time……To Choose Your Words
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Did you ever stop to think of the power of the words that you speak? That they actually can bring life or death to a situation? It’s true; the Bible says so in Proverbs 18:21. Our words have power for life or death in our own life and in the lives of others. Perhaps that’s why Jesus warned that by our words we would be acquitted or condemned (Matthew 12:37).
There have been many times throughout my life when I could have “bitten my tongue” as my mother used to say. Times when I have spoken hasty words of ‘death’ that were angry, critical, unkind or complaining. I have long asked God to give me a wise tongue. Proverbs 12:18 says this, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” In another place it says that “harsh words stir up strife but a gentle answer turns away wrath”. Proverbs 15:1.
My mother taught my sister and me a little rhyme when we complained that kids were mean to us. You know what it is! Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. I believed that for many years and taught my children the same words until I realized that it is a total lie. Unkind words and name-calling do hurt. In fact they have ruined many lives and done permanent harm to many people.
Let us never think that the words we speak don’t have power. There is so much written in the Bible about the power of words. Remember it is by the words of God “Let there be…..” that our world and everything in it was created. Hebrews 1:3 (NIV) says that Jesus is still “sustaining all things by his powerful word”. That is quite an amazing thought.
Our lives can and should be sustained by his powerful word. We need to read his word and store it in our hearts. It will keep us on a straight path and protect us from going astray if we will live by it. If we hide God’s word in our heart then it will be a storehouse of good treasure out of which we speak wisdom and life.
James chapter 3 speaks of the tongue as being a fire, a world of iniquity. He says that no man can tame the tongue and I believe that to be true. Only the Holy Spirit can tame our tongue as we yield it to him and ask his help. He is our hope and our helper.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I yield my tongue to you today and ask for your help in speaking words of life; words that build up encourage and comfort those I come in contact with today. Amen
Did you ever stop to think of the power of the words that you speak? That they actually can bring life or death to a situation? It’s true; the Bible says so in Proverbs 18:21. Our words have power for life or death in our own life and in the lives of others. Perhaps that’s why Jesus warned that by our words we would be acquitted or condemned (Matthew 12:37).
There have been many times throughout my life when I could have “bitten my tongue” as my mother used to say. Times when I have spoken hasty words of ‘death’ that were angry, critical, unkind or complaining. I have long asked God to give me a wise tongue. Proverbs 12:18 says this, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” In another place it says that “harsh words stir up strife but a gentle answer turns away wrath”. Proverbs 15:1.
My mother taught my sister and me a little rhyme when we complained that kids were mean to us. You know what it is! Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. I believed that for many years and taught my children the same words until I realized that it is a total lie. Unkind words and name-calling do hurt. In fact they have ruined many lives and done permanent harm to many people.
Let us never think that the words we speak don’t have power. There is so much written in the Bible about the power of words. Remember it is by the words of God “Let there be…..” that our world and everything in it was created. Hebrews 1:3 (NIV) says that Jesus is still “sustaining all things by his powerful word”. That is quite an amazing thought.
Our lives can and should be sustained by his powerful word. We need to read his word and store it in our hearts. It will keep us on a straight path and protect us from going astray if we will live by it. If we hide God’s word in our heart then it will be a storehouse of good treasure out of which we speak wisdom and life.
James chapter 3 speaks of the tongue as being a fire, a world of iniquity. He says that no man can tame the tongue and I believe that to be true. Only the Holy Spirit can tame our tongue as we yield it to him and ask his help. He is our hope and our helper.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I yield my tongue to you today and ask for your help in speaking words of life; words that build up encourage and comfort those I come in contact with today. Amen
Now is the time... To Take Your Position
"…when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth" John 16:13
The Beijing Olympic Games began this weekend and for the next two weeks many Olympic contestants will be taking their positions as they get ready for the ‘race of their lives’.
As I thought about taking our position in the race of life I was reminded of a wonderful new addition to our car. We’ve called her ‘Flo’ and she is a great help when we are navigating new roads when we are out driving. Flo is our GPS (global positioning system) – oh the wonders of modern technology! However, I have to say that Flo is not perfect and definitely not infallible.
When I was learning how to work her I used her on a familiar route from Sydney airport to home. She did well until I got to the top of the first freeway, at which point she told me to “turn back, turn back”. There was no way I was turning back, I knew where I was going, I realized that her data was probably a little out of date as there had been a minor change made in the road at that point. More recently Flo would have had us going in circles if we hadn’t taken over and gone the way we knew was right (after we’d done one circle!). I don’t think we had programmed our required destination correctly. Flo is only as good as the data that has been put into her ‘computer brain’.
As believers we all have a GPS – it’s a God Positioning System – otherwise known as the Holy Spirit. He is sent to ‘guide us into all truth’. We need to learn to listen to his promptings and follow his leading. He will lead us in good ways, safe ways that keep us in correct position in our walk with God. If we are wise we will check in with him often so that we stay on track. How do we do that? The Holy Spirit uses our conscience to keep us moving in the right direction. Colossians 3:15 says ‘And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts’ . Another version says, ‘Let the peace of Christ guide every decision you make.’ A sense of peace, given by God, can be our guide when making any decision.
Just as with my using Flo and getting used to knowing how to program her, we have to get used to working with the Holy Spirit and allowing him to lead us and learn to trust him as we go. He will never give us wrong directions. His advice will always be in line with God’s word so if you are unsure, check out what you are feeling and don’t neglect to ask advice from your pastor, leader or trusted Christian friend.
Prayer: Holy Spirit thank you that you are a faithful guide for me through the roads of life. Help me to tune into and follow your leadership. Amen
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Now is the time ...... To Dare to be Different
What counts is whether we really have been changed into new and different people. Galatians 6:15
A couple of years ago when we visited my aunt and uncle in Spain I met Kito and Oscar – they couldn’t have been more different. Kito is big and black and a little timid while Oscar is small and white and quietly confident. They are two dogs, a Doberman and a white haired Scottish terrier.
Kito and Oscar are Spanish bred dogs but because they live in an English speaking household, they understand English. This makes them different from other neighbourhood dogs. Even though they are so different in size and personality they live comfortably together in the same backyard, at times sharing the same kennel if it really gets cold in the winter; each is equally special and loved by their owners.
These two dogs were a great illustration to me of how, in spite of our great differences as people in race, colour, personality, size, shape and language, we are all equally special to God. We are unique and uniquely loved by him. The wonderful thing that dogs have over us human beings is that they don’t judge themselves or one another. At least I assume that to be the case but I am not a dog psychologist so I could be wrong, which would totally spoil my illustration!
A couple of years ago when we visited my aunt and uncle in Spain I met Kito and Oscar – they couldn’t have been more different. Kito is big and black and a little timid while Oscar is small and white and quietly confident. They are two dogs, a Doberman and a white haired Scottish terrier.
Kito and Oscar are Spanish bred dogs but because they live in an English speaking household, they understand English. This makes them different from other neighbourhood dogs. Even though they are so different in size and personality they live comfortably together in the same backyard, at times sharing the same kennel if it really gets cold in the winter; each is equally special and loved by their owners.
These two dogs were a great illustration to me of how, in spite of our great differences as people in race, colour, personality, size, shape and language, we are all equally special to God. We are unique and uniquely loved by him. The wonderful thing that dogs have over us human beings is that they don’t judge themselves or one another. At least I assume that to be the case but I am not a dog psychologist so I could be wrong, which would totally spoil my illustration!
For Kito and Oscar to compare themselves to each other would be ridiculous. It is equally foolish for us to compare ourselves to other people. We are different because each of us is made for a unique purpose in God’s plan. Accordingly he has given us gifts which will fit his plan and purposes for us in his Kingdom.
I observed how Kito and Oscar came confidently to their owners for loving attention. They seemed to know and be confident in the love of their owners. This is how God wants us to be towards him. He wants us to come confidently to him knowing that we are loved not only in spite of our differences, but because of them. We should not act timidly towards God, and if thoughts of not being good enough assail our minds, we can dismiss them as Satan’s lies to keep us from meeting with God.
Becoming a Christian automatically makes us different. We become a brand new creation but still an individual, fashioned for the purposes of God. Enjoy who he made you to be and enjoy your differences.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that you have no favourites. You love us all and you love us just as we are. Nothing that I can do can make you love me more, and there is nothing I have done or will do that will make you love me less. Help me to fulfil your special purposes for me. Amen
Now is the time ...... To Dig Deep
“…if you indeed cry out for insight, and raise your voice for understanding; if you seek it like silver, and search for it as for hidden treasures-- then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.” Proverbs 2:3-5
Where we live we often see the famous Australian bird, the Kookaburra around. Recently one posed for us on the electricity box outside our home. As I look at them I am struck by the long, strong, sturdy beak which fits right in with its stocky body. In God’s creation everything has its purpose and the Kookaburra’s strong beak is for digging deep into the ground for worms and bugs. His beak is a very effective hole-digger and that’s how he feeds himself.
In our western world most of us don’t have to go out and dig for our daily food. I thank the Lord for that! I do enjoy picking fresh lettuce leaves and herbs from the pots at my back door though. However we do need spiritual food and for that we must dig deep into God’s word. Yes, we can have a quick little read of the Word during our day but to set aside some time to dig deeper into God’s word either in your own personal time with God or by attending a Bible study is very important for your spiritual growth and understanding.
Just as a person can’t live healthily on one meal a week, neither can we increase our spiritual growth by just hearing a sermon at church once a week. I have heard people complain about ‘not being fed’ in their church. If that is the case, it’s all the more reason for us to learn how to feed ourselves. We have a whole Bible to dig into and explore, we have the Holy Spirit who is our helper to give us revelation and understanding if we just ask, and we have Christian books, online Christian broadcasts not to mention early morning TV broadcasts. We have absolutely no excuse (aside from apathy and laziness), not to grow and mature in our Christian life.
God’s word encourages us to ‘grow up in him in all things’ (Ephesians 4:15). It also encourages us to desire the ‘sincere milk’ of God’s word in order that we may grow (1Peter 2:2). God doesn’t ask us to do the impossible, just what is reasonable and right and good for us. I challenge you to start digging!
Prayer: Father God, help me to desire your word as my spiritual food and to make the time to dig deep into your word so that I might grow in my faith and understanding of you. Amen
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Now is the time ...... For Grace

For the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. John 1:17
In the seventeen hundreds John Newton wrote the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ which still has a voice today almost 300 years later. A few years ago author Philip Yancey asked a question ‘What’s So Amazing About Grace?’ The theme of grace continues to be an important one to the Christian church today, and it certainly needs to be.
The apostle Paul reminds believers in Ephesians 2:8 ‘For by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God…. '. I think every letter Paul wrote began with the words ‘Grace and peace’. Paul was very aware of the grace of God to him who had once persecuted and murdered in misguided zeal for his faith. He said in another place ‘By the grace of God I am what I am.’ He held no confidence in himself, only in his God.
When we truly understand and experience the grace of God in our own lives, we are able to extend grace to others. Sometimes people have to go to awful depths of sin and degradation before they can experience God’s grace. But it will often be found that those who have come out of terrible life experiences will be the ones most able to extend grace to others.
Sadly, many Christians receive God’s grace for themselves but find it extremely hard to be gracious to others. I would dare to say that they have not truly understood the awesomeness of God’s grace, because when we understand it, we will stand ready to give grace as freely as we have received it.
I once heard a teaching that described grace as ‘the empowering presence of God’. Grace empowers us to live a life that honours God and shows love to his people. The law was a rigid moral code with little room for grace. But grace and truth, (the truth that we needed a Saviour to fulfil the law of God on our behalf), came through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
Sadly we often experience so little grace from fellow Christians when we fail in our Christian walk. Many times I have seen Christians ‘write off’ their fellow believers rather than try to help restore them to God. That is not the way of God that Jesus showed us. He spoke volumes about the grace of God in his story of the prodigal son (Luke 15). We too need to take the truth of this story and extend as much grace to others as God has shown to us or we are in danger of being rigid, moralistic upholders of the law. Such were the Pharisees of Jesus’ day and to them he showed no mercy because they did not portray God as he truly is. Their god was their rules and regulations. May God help us to avoid falling into such a religious trap and may grace and peace be the hallmark of your life and mine.
Prayer: Loving Father, have mercy on me for the times I have neglected to extend grace to fellow Christians. Please fill me with your love afresh and help me be a grace-giver, as you have been to me. Amen
In the seventeen hundreds John Newton wrote the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ which still has a voice today almost 300 years later. A few years ago author Philip Yancey asked a question ‘What’s So Amazing About Grace?’ The theme of grace continues to be an important one to the Christian church today, and it certainly needs to be.
The apostle Paul reminds believers in Ephesians 2:8 ‘For by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God…. '. I think every letter Paul wrote began with the words ‘Grace and peace’. Paul was very aware of the grace of God to him who had once persecuted and murdered in misguided zeal for his faith. He said in another place ‘By the grace of God I am what I am.’ He held no confidence in himself, only in his God.
When we truly understand and experience the grace of God in our own lives, we are able to extend grace to others. Sometimes people have to go to awful depths of sin and degradation before they can experience God’s grace. But it will often be found that those who have come out of terrible life experiences will be the ones most able to extend grace to others.
Sadly, many Christians receive God’s grace for themselves but find it extremely hard to be gracious to others. I would dare to say that they have not truly understood the awesomeness of God’s grace, because when we understand it, we will stand ready to give grace as freely as we have received it.
I once heard a teaching that described grace as ‘the empowering presence of God’. Grace empowers us to live a life that honours God and shows love to his people. The law was a rigid moral code with little room for grace. But grace and truth, (the truth that we needed a Saviour to fulfil the law of God on our behalf), came through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
Sadly we often experience so little grace from fellow Christians when we fail in our Christian walk. Many times I have seen Christians ‘write off’ their fellow believers rather than try to help restore them to God. That is not the way of God that Jesus showed us. He spoke volumes about the grace of God in his story of the prodigal son (Luke 15). We too need to take the truth of this story and extend as much grace to others as God has shown to us or we are in danger of being rigid, moralistic upholders of the law. Such were the Pharisees of Jesus’ day and to them he showed no mercy because they did not portray God as he truly is. Their god was their rules and regulations. May God help us to avoid falling into such a religious trap and may grace and peace be the hallmark of your life and mine.
Prayer: Loving Father, have mercy on me for the times I have neglected to extend grace to fellow Christians. Please fill me with your love afresh and help me be a grace-giver, as you have been to me. Amen
Now is the time…… To Walk in the Light

If we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7
How would you feel if your friend exposed the secrets of your sordid life to the world? Not that I’m suggesting you have a sordid life of course! However this is what happened on the Dr Phil TV show recently. A woman with a hoarding problem (way over the top) was so putting her three beautiful children at risk that a concerned friend decided to ask Dr Phil to help the woman face her problem and get help. To their credit the family fronted up for the show and the incredible truth came into the light. The images of the house and the way this family lived were just horrible, but relief was offered and accepted. I trust that healing and restoration has ensued and that this woman can learn to live a normal life free from all that junk once her emotional junk is dealt with.
The word of God instructs us to ‘walk in the light as he is in the light’. What does that mean? It means that we need to be open and honest in the way we live. Sadly there are many Christians who live in darkness. They choose to hide their problems with alcohol, pornography, sexual immorality and physical & emotional abuse, to name a few. They are ashamed of their behaviour or of what others are doing to them, so they hide it rather than expose it and risk feeling ashamed. Not one of us wants to feel ashamed, but shame holds us prisoner if we allow it to. It robs us of the joy and freedom that can be ours if we will bring those things to the light. I have noticed that when a person shares their secret with someone they can trust, they feel some immediate relief. We cannot be helped if we don’t share the truth that we have a problem.
Sexual abusers always demand secrecy of their victims so that their sin will not be found out. They make threats that hold their victims in fear. In the same way, Satan holds us in fear of being ashamed, this keeps us from telling our story. The truth is that the shame goes when we allow sin to come to the light and be dealt with. So long as it is hidden, we are its prisoner. All of us have sinned and all of us need to be forgiven. All sin is equal. Although we often think otherwise, the truth is that no sins are worse than others. Sin is sin.
1 Corinthians 4:5 tells us that when the Lord comes again the hidden things will be revealed and judged. Let’s decide to walk in openness and honesty so that there is nothing that needs to be revealed on that day. Decide today to come into the light. Find someone you can trust and share your secret with them. Ask them to pray for you and with you. Listen to and act on godly advice. The relief you feel will make you wonder why you waited so long to find healing and freedom. "Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed." James 5:16.
Prayer: Holy God, please help me to walk in your light every day, and have fellowship with others and with you. Amen
How would you feel if your friend exposed the secrets of your sordid life to the world? Not that I’m suggesting you have a sordid life of course! However this is what happened on the Dr Phil TV show recently. A woman with a hoarding problem (way over the top) was so putting her three beautiful children at risk that a concerned friend decided to ask Dr Phil to help the woman face her problem and get help. To their credit the family fronted up for the show and the incredible truth came into the light. The images of the house and the way this family lived were just horrible, but relief was offered and accepted. I trust that healing and restoration has ensued and that this woman can learn to live a normal life free from all that junk once her emotional junk is dealt with.
The word of God instructs us to ‘walk in the light as he is in the light’. What does that mean? It means that we need to be open and honest in the way we live. Sadly there are many Christians who live in darkness. They choose to hide their problems with alcohol, pornography, sexual immorality and physical & emotional abuse, to name a few. They are ashamed of their behaviour or of what others are doing to them, so they hide it rather than expose it and risk feeling ashamed. Not one of us wants to feel ashamed, but shame holds us prisoner if we allow it to. It robs us of the joy and freedom that can be ours if we will bring those things to the light. I have noticed that when a person shares their secret with someone they can trust, they feel some immediate relief. We cannot be helped if we don’t share the truth that we have a problem.
Sexual abusers always demand secrecy of their victims so that their sin will not be found out. They make threats that hold their victims in fear. In the same way, Satan holds us in fear of being ashamed, this keeps us from telling our story. The truth is that the shame goes when we allow sin to come to the light and be dealt with. So long as it is hidden, we are its prisoner. All of us have sinned and all of us need to be forgiven. All sin is equal. Although we often think otherwise, the truth is that no sins are worse than others. Sin is sin.
1 Corinthians 4:5 tells us that when the Lord comes again the hidden things will be revealed and judged. Let’s decide to walk in openness and honesty so that there is nothing that needs to be revealed on that day. Decide today to come into the light. Find someone you can trust and share your secret with them. Ask them to pray for you and with you. Listen to and act on godly advice. The relief you feel will make you wonder why you waited so long to find healing and freedom. "Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed." James 5:16.
Prayer: Holy God, please help me to walk in your light every day, and have fellowship with others and with you. Amen
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