Recently I received my “Seniors Card” from the New South Wales government. To qualify one must be 60 years old and working less than 20 hours a week (for pay). Now I can ride very cheaply on public transport and get discounts from various businesses and stores. I find that I can take one of two attitudes with this new ‘milestone’; either, “I am too old to be of any use now” or “Great! I can still work as much as I want to for the Kingdom of God”.
It is true that as one gets older the temptation is to feel that our contribution is no longer needed or wanted. That is a lie of the enemy that we need to strongly withstand and overcome. It seems to me that Christians never really retire – there’s always plenty of work to be done in God’s Kingdom and ‘seniors’ are in a great position to participate with the extra time they often have.
Ephesians tells us that God has appointed work for each of us to do. It is up to us to explore what that is. Take time now to read first Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:4-8 to see the gifts that God gives to his people. There is serving, giving, encouraging, preaching, teaching, mercy and others. If you are really not sure where you fit, there is a test you can find on the internet which may help you identify your spiritual gift (
There are two important things I want to mention with regard to using your spiritual gift or gifts for God’s Kingdom (yes you can have more than one). The first is that there is much work to be done and the pastors are not responsible to do it all! It is varied work, from feeding the poor to administration in the church office, from preaching and teaching to offering a word of encouragement. Your gift will definitely have a place in God’s scheme of things.
The second thing is that knowing your spiritual gift and using it will give you a sense of identity and fulfillment in the body of Christ. It is important to have God’s view of the gifts and not to measure them by human standards; for example, preaching is spiritual but serving refreshments or working the sound system is not. If you are using your gift for God’s glory, then it is a spiritual work and it is important. Ephesians 4:16 says that the body of Christ works properly and effectively when each person does their part.
There is something for everyone to do, not one of us is unimportant, neither have we passed our “use by” date! If you don’t feel a part of your church it just may be because you are not participating in the work God has assigned for you to do.
Prayer: Dear Father, help me to be willing to do the work that you have already prepared for me. Help me to prepare myself and offer myself for your service and for your glory. Amen
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