Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Thinking about Grace

Grace is not a word that comes often into regular conversation.  We might think of grace as elegance, poise or charm, a graceful person, a ballerina.  It could also be used of politeness or good manners, or maybe a student being allowed a couple of days grace to finish an assignment.

For Christians, however, it is a common and important word to us because first of all it describes the God we worship...... He is the God of all grace.  The word 'grace' appears around 140 times in my Bible.  Why am I thinking about it today?  Well it came up in my reading of Acts 15 when Paul of was speaking to the Council of Apostles in Jerusalem about how God had been working in the lives of gentiles on their first missionary journey.  The Law, and grace, had become an issue that needed to be resolved.

Gentiles had never followed the Jewish laws, unless they had converted to the Jewish faith.  But now that the Holy Spirit was moving among the gentiles and bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ, some of the legalistic Jews were trying to make the gentile Christians follow Jewish Law, especially they were insisting that they must be circumcised. This contentious issue needed to be sorted out and so it was.  God's grace was applied to the situation, because it is only by grace that we are saved (to eternal life). No good works that we do can earn salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9)  It is only by faith in Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul had been a very legalistic Jew, obeying all the laws, knowing all the scriptures and chasing down the new Christians to 'bring them to justice and punishment.'  There was no grace in his life at all until Jesus appeared to him in a great light on his 'get the Christians mission'.  Jesus spoke to him, graciously corrected him, and changed him into one who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Messiah.  

Paul wrote much of the New Testament of the Bible, and he wrote much about grace because he had experienced God's grace touching him personally.  In 1 Corinthians 15:10 he wrote, "By the grace of God, I am what I am." He did not boast in the great knowledge and heritage he had, or by all the law keeping he had done, he called that foolishness. 

Evangelist J John says, there are 2 reasons why people don't want to be a Christian.  The first reason is that they haven't met one, the second reason is that they HAVE met one!  We laugh nervously and agree. But there is another reason that people may not want to become a Christian and that is that they think Christianity is a whole list of 'thou shalt nots.....'. That is so not true!

God wants us to live joy-filled lives so he tells us how to do that.  He wants our lives show his love, his mercy and his grace to those we meet. He doesn't promise a trouble-free life, but he does promise strength and grace, and peace for each trial. He is waiting to pour out his great Fatherly love into empty hearts and lives.

We can only come to God through His grace and mercy reaching down to us, we can only walk with God day by day by His grace.  We can do nothing to earn God's favour.  We can only please him by bowing our knee and acknowledging that it is His grace working in us that we can live for His glory.

BLESSING: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  Amen 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

It's a Whole New Year!


                                                       NZ Christmas Tree - Pohutukawa

Today is not only a whole new day, but it's a whole new year!  Are you filled with anticipation for what you have planned this year? Are you filled with anxiety, wondering what it will hold for you, your family, or for others close to you? Perhaps you filled with awe at what you have survived this year.  You probably know people in all three of these categories.  I do!

I just took a moment to check out what I wrote around this time last year and it still stands true.  I could write it all again but you can just go read it here! 

This past year we have proved again, that by God's grace we can be comforted in great losses, mourn with those who mourn, rejoice with others in their successes, new life directions and opportunities, and to sit with those who wait to meet their Maker. God surely is our very help in every situation.

Life is filled with opportunities to draw on God's strength in challenges, to experience his comfort in losses, to rest in his love when we feel a bit lost, and to hope in his Word when we don't understand what is happening in our life or in our world. Knowing that I can bring all my uncertainties to his feet and leave them there brings me such peace.  I don't have to stress, but just trust that God will fulfil his purposes for me and those I love. I leave you with these words from Psalm 134:6-8.....

Though the LORD is great, he cares for the humble,
but he keeps his distance from the proud.
Though I am surrounded by troubles,
you will protect me from the anger of my enemies.
You reach out your hand,
and the power of your right hand saves me.
The LORD will work out his plans for my life—
for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever.
Don’t abandon me, for you made me.

May God bless you with peace as you believe and trust in him in 2025.

PRAYER: Lord your word is true, you are faithful, you will work out your purposes for those who love you and walk through life in step with you.  Keep us faithful to you this year. Amen