Sunday, April 14, 2024

Is Everything Falling Apart?


When you look at the news, when you look around you, what do you see and what do you think?  Depending on how our own life is working out at the time will affect how we see things of course.  Perhaps we would rather not face what's going on, but that won't change it. We'll just be burying our head in the sand, not wanting to consider where we are headed.

When I look at events happening around the world, I see everything is falling into place just as the Bible says it would, because the things it talks about are coming to pass very quickly.  That is why I feel the need to write what I'm about to write. Whether you think I'm crazy or not, you need to be able to recognise what I'm going to share with you when it happens.

First, let's take a look at what is happening.  This past week we had NZ students 'striking' for climate change.  Their fears for the future, stirred up by others who also fear, pushing them into action. There are also huge concerns about our health and education systems not to mention the financial health of our country. We are certainly not alone in this.

Knowledge is increasing at a frightening rate, so much so that the inventors of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are calling for the pause button to be pressed because they are getting very concerned at what they might have created. Could robots one day rule the world?

Wars and rumours of wars are too many to report.  Ukraine was on our 'radar' for a year but has been quickly overtaken by the Israel/Gaza 'conflict'. Today as I write, things are heating up between Iran and Israel with many sirens going off in Israel for people to take cover as missiles are shot down overhead.

Earthquakes abound, and other seismic activity like the volcano in Iceland are on the increase. This week my friend in Sicily posted a picture of Mt Etna (above) saying that a new fissure had opened, and it was blowing perfect smoke rings.

There is a growing lawlessness, not only in our country, I'm sure. Yesterday a knife attack on innocent shoppers in a part of Sydney changed their world. Our children are rebellious towards parents and teachers, many people in general have no respect for the law on any level.  

When being questioned by his disciples about what the times of the end would look like,  that is, the time before Jesus comes to judge the world.  He also mentioned famines and pestilences and we know these abound in many places. See Matthew 24:1-8.  

In the midst of all these things there is a great rebellion towards God, who created us and made us for his enjoyment and purpose. People have increasingly turned away from the God of the Bible to their own ideas of what life is all about.  They are taken up with the pleasures of this life, running here and there after something to satisfy them, be it making money, getting famous - in sport, on TicTok or Youtube, seeking fortune-tellers, tarot readers, other religions, same sex unions, transgenderism and so on. The list is almost never-ending and all in pursuit of personal fulfilment.  'If it feels good, it must be right for me', but it's not because nothing satisfies. They are all looking for the next 'high'.

So what is it that you need to know? For the followers of Jesus Christ there will be a day when they will be caught up in the clouds to meet Jesus in the air. Thessalonians 4:17. On that day billions of people will just disappear from earth.  Here I must say that there are different views among Christian scholars about at what stage in these end times events the 'rapture' will happen.  Check them out here.

Personally I adhere to a pre-tribulation rapture, but I have friends who differ.  It doesn't matter when it happens, but it WILL happen. There will come a 7 year time of great tribulation, such as has never been seen before. Jesus alluded to these times in Luke 21:25-26.  I don't believe there is a solution to the Israel/Palestine situation apart from God's actual intervention.  I believe that before this happens the book of Revelation and it's prophecies will come to pass, just as they have up until this time.

There is lots that could be said on this subject, but this is not meant to be a theology lesson. (There is much written on the subject if you desire to study more.)  It is meant to be a 'heads up', because I believe we have come pretty close to the 'midnight hour' and I don't want to leave you saying "Why didn't she ever tell me?"

If God has stirred your heart and you want to know more, read this short account in the book of Romans. Every person has a choice to make before they leave this earth because it is appointed for us to die once and after that we face God's judgement.  Hebrews 9:27-28. No, I don't believe in reincarnation!

I hope you will take the time to check out the Bible references.  If you are not familiar with the Bible I've made it simple for you to just click the link and the verses will pop up.  If you want to know more feel free to email me  I don't have all the answers but I can find them for you or refer you to some good books.

My Prayer:  Father God, thank you that you have given us free will, to choose faith in you or not. Without a relationship with Jesus Christ who paid the price for our sins, we are lost.  Please open the understanding of those who read this, that they might see what an amazingly costly price you paid to bring us back into relationship with you so that we can live forever in your presence where there is only joy.  Amen